Chapter-2 :):

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Ignore my grammatical mistakes:)

Chimon : "good we're late on our first day

Nanon : "Don't worry Nothing gonna happen you know very well its first day and we just have to do our registration and pick club activities so no need to worry about anything and our 1st class is in afternoon"

Chimon "Well I almost forgot about that"

Nanon :"Me to if I know I would have slept for extra few hours"

Chimon :"as always you didn't get good sleep right"

Nanon : "you know me very well"

Chimon :"Ok come let's get going"

Both entered the university while talking they both are nervous but didn't show it in their face and they both knew about eachother nervousness
They both got on the line when suddenly someone called them from behind they both turned


Both chimon and nanon just smiled and replied a small hello

"Hi I'm Earth.what's your names?"

"I'm Nanon"

"I'm chimon"

Earth : "After the registration there are club activities that we can go and have a look
So since we're gonna be friends which club are you guys decided to join"

Nanon : "I'm gonna join in music club"

Chimon : "And I'm gonna join in photography club and what about you"

Earth : "I'm gonna join in art club"

Soon they all finished their registration

Nanon :"Ok then we'll all meet after our club works"

Earth & Chimon : okay bye

Nanon started to search the music club because he couldn't find it and also this place is so much crowded but he didn't care he's busy rushing out of the crowd to find the music club

《 Ohm pov 》

Argh why this fresher day is irritating can't they just stay in one place now I'm stuck In this crowd when I was walking suddenly someone's hand brushed against mine I looked back to see who it is because the touch feels so familiar to me that make yearn me to hold that person hand when I was about to go Korn stopped me

Korn :"Where are you going we have to check the list of music club"

Ohm :"Huh? Oh okay let's go"

With confusion I went from there

No one pov

It's frustrating for nanon.
he has been searching it for almost 30 minutes still couldn't find it also he couldn't ask anyone because all seems so busy and running here and there.
"Argh where the heck they hide this music club"

when suddenly someone asked him

Unknown :"Hey are you looking for music club"

Nanon : "Oh hell yes please say me where it is"

That person chuckled at him

"I'm going there you can follow me"

Nanon : "Thank you"

Unknown : "so what is your name?I'm dew from third year engineering department"

Nanon : "I'm nanon architecture department and for now I'm gonna join in music club"

Dew : "Do you like music"

Nanon :"Like? I love music"

Like that they were now in music club

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