Madagascar Oc

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Name: Stephanie
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Looks: Light brown skin, , green eyes, short red hair, light pink tank top, blue jeans, black strap sandals
Occupation: Student/zoo employee
Family: Unnamed parents and aunt
Crush; None
Sexuality: Poly
Backstory: Her parents never wanted her because she was "black", so they left her with her aunt. Her aunt loves Stephanie so much and always supported her. She met the NYC gang when the five of them were kids when she started working with her aunt
Ability: She has an ability to communicate with animals when she was little.
Bio (first movie): After a day at the zoo, Stephanie got accepted into a zoology scholarship out of state and was taking Central, until she sees her animal friends surrounded by police. She follows them onto a cargo ship, which was suppose to ship them to Africa before a storm hits, sliding the crates off board. Stephanie managed to get into a life boat and ends up in an island, along with the gang
Bio (second movie): After the events of the first movie, Alex, Marty, Melman, Gloria, and Stephanie were flying back to New York on a now working airplane, before it suddenly breaks down and crashed into Africa, the birthplace of the gang's ancestors and the home of Alex's parents
Bio (third movie): After the events from the second movie, after the penguins and the chimps leave them and head off to Monte Carlo, the gang and Stephanie head there to confront them, but they end up getting spotted by the people in the casino and the police called in animal control to sort out the situation. The leader of animal control took the call and goes on pursuit on the gang, wanting the head of Alex. The gang and Stephanie ends up with the circus to get a promotion to perform in America

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