CH6:1% Power

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Nearing Y/n's camp a burst of flames was seen. Maki had tried to attack him but she missed by only a hair. Y/n jumped up avoiding the mouth made from the ground that was going to attack him.


She said and sent more earth to attack him but Y/n rolled his fist back and punched the ground making it be pushed back. He turned around and shot a burst of wind to counter the one heading for him.

Y/n:Nice try with a sneak attack. But I'm more adept in the elements than any of you.

Suddenly a tree grew from his shirt. He quickly burned the tree before anything could happen.

Ivy:So close!

She said and was holding some buds.

Y/n:You've all gotten much stronger offer these last few days.

Maki:Yeah but nowhere near as strong as you.

Grace:She's right I don't know if we'll ever reach your level.

Y/n:And thay might be true if you were to do this on your own. But luckily you have me to guide you.

He landed on the ground and Isabelle behind him.

Y/n:Your powers are among the top strongest ones out there. If you focus more on development of your magic than fighting with it.

Ivy:Well can you give us a little demonstration?

Y/n:On what?

Grace:Well you've clearly proven that you can use more than one type of magic with your Aura Manipulation. So show us what to reach.

Y/n:Hmm okay. That's a good idea actually. Okay since it's easier I'll show fire first. Eight Elements.

Fire formed around him and then he increased the intensity and turned it a beautiful shade of blue. He raised his hand and made the ground sprout blue flames making it look like he'll was invading.

Y/n:But this is just the next level. True fire appeared when you have reached your maximum output.

Maki:And what kind of fire is that?!

She asked excitedly. Y/n smiled and made the fire die down before it turned pitch black.

Y/n:This is the Black Flame. And as you could see it's too powerful for a normal human to handle. So if you can use this...

He clenched his hand extinguishing the flames.

Y/n:You'll be unstoppable.

Maki:Unstoppable. If even I didn't know about it then how did he? Another mystery to solve about him.

Y/n:Now time for the next element. Wind.

He makes a small tornado of wind appear under him.

Y/n:It's a fairly simple concept to grasp. Whether it's your main magic ability or not. But the main part about wind is...

He touches the ground and it makes a spiral deep into it.

Y/n:That skill is used mostly for cutting. Big or small wing blades can cut almost anything. Since wind doesn't need to have a blade to have sharpness it's possibilities are endless. Now onto the next part when you use wind you need to think of it not as a thing but a force of nature. And if you can tap within that nature you can control other wind based concepts. Like nature itself.

He said making clouds gather up and it started to rain. He sends a burst of wind up and through the clouds making them disappear.

Y/n:Now nature is a special case. In nature everything in nature is connected making it much easier to sense others. And you can grow plants and vegetation to a wide degree. Also did you know you could sense whatever you make? No matter how far or how small you'll always know where it is. And since plants are asexual they can fuse with other plants no problem. So you can create poisons and vaccines. Now for Earth.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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