Section 46

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I loved him every day and I made him pancakes every day because that does be George's fav food 

Today we went to school and I almost had a heart attack because me and love interest George were walking down the hall and I saw T o n y- 

I freaked out but then I remembered that I don't like him anymore so as he walked up to us and tried to flirt with me I kicked him in the shin!

"OWWWWW," He said and ran away crying because he is suddenly emo. 

George looked at me weirdly but kept holding my hand. 

day after day, I kicked my ex-love interest Tony in the shins It was very enjoyable!

Now he is super emo 

I was walking to George and me's house when I heard a loud scream and saw George in a dark alleyway holding a dead body by the neck. 

I screamed. "GEORGE WHAT THE HECK!" then everything made sense. The moment he kidnapped me, to all the times he has flirted with me, "GEORGE YOU'RE A VAMPIRE!" I screamed again. 

George looked utterly surprised. "NOOO WIFEY DON'T LEAVE ME! I PROMISE ITS A HALLOWEEN COSTUME!" The dead body fell as he released his grip on its neck. 

"ITS APRIL!" I yelled before running out of the alleyway when a hand grabbed me and I turned around to see this dude that looked a lot like Tony.

Except HE was a vampire. "YUM YUM DINNER!" The vampire screamed, exposing his long fangs. 

Omg I am married to a mafia!!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now