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I slowly open my eyes still half asleep.
Jaden: 'Morning'
Y/n: 'Hmm what time is it?'
Jaden: 'It's almost 12, you have been asleep almost half of the day!'
Y/n: 'You just stayed here and let me sleep?'
Jaden: 'Of course i did you looked so peaceful'
I looked up at Jaden, still curled up in his arms, and smiled at him as if i was saying thanks. Without knocking, Jayla walks in and jumps on top of us.
Jayla: 'Get up lovebirds Jack, Amy, Noah and Lacy are coming over in 5 minutes so you need to get ready!'
5 minutes! I quickly roll myself off of the bed and got changed into one of Jadens t-shirts and a pair of nike pros i found. I threw my hair up into a messy bun and ran downstairs to meet everyone else.
Jaden: 'God Y/n do you want to be any slower getting dressed? And who said you could wear my top?'
Y/n: 'I did and you can shut up all you had to do was put deodorant on and i'm not even sure you did that because you stink!'
I push Jaden lightly and a trail of Ooo's and awe's came from everyone else.
Amy: 'You guys are too cute, i hope that when i get a boyfriend he loves me as much as that!'
Y/n: 'Oh god no he's not my boyfriend! That's gross'
Jaden: 'Yeah ew! I would much rather Lacy anyway'
That kinda stung my heart a bit. I don't like Jaden but i don't want him to like anyone else. I know that sounds a bit selfish but i just feel like if he gets a girlfriend we won't be the same anymore. Lacy tuned bright red and everyone looked at her. Jayla noticed how uncomfortable i looked and decided to break the silence.
Jayla: 'Hey guys let's go. I have alcohol!'
Everyone cheered and ran out to the cars. Me, Jaden, Javon and Jayla in one and Jack, Amy Noah and Lacy in another. We all got comfortable in the car, Jayla and Javon in the front and me and Jaden in the back. I was quite happy, that was until Lacy came over.
Lacy: 'Hey guys, i got kicked out of the other car can i come with you?'
Javon: 'Well there's not really any space sor-'
Lacy: 'It's ok i can sit on Jadens lap!'
She gets in and sits on his lap, not waiting for him to say anything. Jaden gives me a disturbed look but i just turn to look out of the window.

Time skip

(i understand that we are only 15 and Javon, Jaden and Jayla may not drink but for the purpose of this story they do)
We finally arrived at an abandoned house that me and Jayla found a few years ago. I get out of the car and sit on the floor next to Javon. He passes me a cup of beer and i drink it all as fast as i can.
Javon: 'Ayo careful Y/n you don't want to be too drunk!'
Y/n: 'I don't really care to be honest, i just want to have fun'
I get up to grab another cup, pushing past Jaden as i did so. He looked like he wanted to say something but i really didn't want to talk to him at the moment.

Jaden's pov:
Y/n pushes past me acting as if i wasn't even there. I turn to Javon giving him a confused look and he shakes his head showing me that he had no clue why she did that. I decided to brush it off and give her some space, so i went to get a drink from Lacy.
Jaden: 'Hey Lacy!'
Lacy: 'Hey jade'
Jaden: 'Can you pass me a drink please?'
Lacy: 'Sure anything for you!'
Jaden: 'Uh thanks'
I'm not sure why she is suddenly acting so nice to me. I mean i did basically tell everyone that i liked her. But i don't.
Lacy: 'Here you go'
She passes me a drink and kisses me on the cheek. Wtf was that for? I turned to see Y/n behind me. She turns around and walks off towards the shop near by. I call her name but she doesn't answer, she just keeps walking. I thought i would leave her to sort it out but my body wouldn't let me. I ran after her still calling her name. By now we had gone so far i couldn't even hear anyone else anymore.
Jaden: 'Y/n stop!'
She turns around tears in her eyes and i realised i had done something wrong. I'm not sure what but i knew i had. I ran up to her embracing her in a big hug. I hadn't hugged her like this in ages and it felt good holding her in my arms. She looks up at me tears now rolling down her cheeks.
Y/n: 'Do you really like Lacy?'
Jaden: 'Ew of course not! I just said that so they don't find out what happened the other night'
Y/n: 'Okay good. You can do so much better than her'
Jaden: 'You really think so?'
Y/n: 'no'
She laughs a little at her own joke.
Jaden: 'Well i mean i can definitely do you'
She stops laughing and stares at me with a shocked face. I burst out laughing, so hard that i could barely breathe.
Jaden: 'Im joking!'
She starts laughing with me and we are both holding our stomachs from the pain. After a while, we both stop laughing and just stare into each others eyes. I am overwhelmed with emotions and i don't know how to feel. The only thing i can think to do is kiss her, so that is exactly what i do. I cup her face in my hands and lean down. Our lips meat and she immediately kisses me back. I felt like i was on top of the world. I slowly pull away and smile at the gorgeous girl standing in front of me. We stand there in silence for what felt like forever, until i grabbed her hand.
Jaden: 'Come on let's go back'
We both slowly walk back to where everyone else was hand in hand and when we got there, everyone was having the times of their lives. I avoided Lacy for the rest of the night and just stayed with Y/n or Javon. We were all singing to our favourite songs, dancing and having the most fun we have all had in a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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