The Storm

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In a flash!

The entire sky fills with dark clouds and buckets of rain pour down everywhere.


Thunder and lightning cracks down on the ocean. You feel dizzy as the blinding light of constant lightning and exploding thunder overwhelms you.

You are certain that you will fall off the ship...but you do not.

In a kind of "out of body experience" way, you climb way up to the top of the ship and......with an incredible rush of excitement you look at the giant waves approaching the ship.


With thunder and lightning striking the ocean all around you the waves hit the ship!


Giant wave after giant wave.



The spiralling wind - growing stronger and stronger, slowly starts to lift the ship as pieces of wood are torn off and consumed by the fury of the storm.

"The magical ship is battered and worn, it's wooden body is ripped and torn."

"The beast of the ocean shows it's terrifying form in the fury of the storm."

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