Your Journey Begins!

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     As you slowly wake up next to the mysterious ocean, you see a beautiful sphere.  

     You still feel as if you have awoken for the very first time.

     In a flash... you think back to the moment you were awake, opened your eyes and saw the light. You vaguely remember the island, the ship, the storm, the dive, but you clearly remember the mysterious ocean.

     You say to yourself "what happened?"

     "You hear a soft sound in your ear, telling you to pick up the sphere.  Let go of your fear and pick up the sphere.  As you hold the sphere very near, you wipe away a tear.  It is a tear of both mystery and joy.  A beautiful voice is telling you... Your Journey Begins!"

     You pick up the sphere and hold it up, carefully examining it.  Astonished with it's mystery and beauty, you come to realize that you are both holding the sphere and also standing inside of it.  As you walk forward you are both moving and standing stationary.  Both terrified and fascinated, you struggle to comprehend the journey in which you are about to experience.


     You are standing on the inner iron core of a giant star.  

     "No limits, no boundaries... you are far from ordinary existence.  Far, far, far.  Welcome to the realm of the bizarre.  Far, far, far.  Take a walk in the giant star!"


     Without warning, the star collapses and explodes!  You watch the supernova explosion with amazement.  You feel the massive energy radiating through your body.  You are now standing on the surface of a pulsar neutron star.  Every time the neutron star pulses, you feel the energy "pulsating" throughout your entire body.

     "Pulse... Pulse... Pulse."

     You are spinning at an incredible speed and you continue to feel the energy.

     "Pulse... Pulse... Pulse."

     Then... in a flash... you are standing on the iron core of another giant star which also collapses and explodes!  However, this star collapses into a black hole.  There is simply no escape.

     "In the coldness of space... you come face to face... with the vast unknown."

     And... you are both fascinated and terrified with what may be inside of the powerful darkness.  You are now at the point of no return.

     As you gradually surrender yourself to the unstoppable gravitational force of the black hole, time almost completely stands still.

     "Surrender... give up your will... and time will stand still. In the absence of time, reality shines in it's prime."

     From inside the black hole there is almost complete darkness... and you are completely terrified.  However, you see a very small source of light.

     You say to yourself "What have I experienced, and why?"  You understand that you are in a world which has no limits or boundaries, but you struggle greatly to comprehend the nature of your experience.

     You hear a voice telling you "From the ashes of the exploding sun... your experience is far from done."

     You come to the realization that your journey has only just begun!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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