The Mysterious Ocean

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You dive into the mysterious ocean!


"From an incredible leap you dive into the ocean deep."

Like a human submarine you descend deep into the perfectly clear waters... faster and faster. As you move deep into the ocean the waters become warm and vaguely familiar.

Completely still...the warmth of the ocean water is absolutely soothing beyond words.

In a mysterious yet familiar feeling, the ocean comforts you.

A perfection of contentment and well being.

The mysterious ocean massages your mind, soul, and body.

You suddenly but briefly cry out, and all the pain and discomfort you have ever experienced vanishes like poison vanishing from your soul.

"Though your pain and stress had taken it's toll, the mysterious ocean now comforts your precious soul."

A strange but vaguely familiar voice trickles through the mysterious ocean. It is a voice of love.

"You hear a voice from above radiating like a beautiful dove, it is indeed a voice of love."

All of your painful memories vanish. Gone.

The voice of love comforts you while the tender warm ocean massages your soul in the very central heart of the mysterious ocean.


Then... suddenly and abruptly, the ocean becomes cold, cold as ice.

The icy cold waters take you deep into the coldest reaches of the ocean.

As the memories of the perfection and warmth fade, you ask yourself...

"Where am I going?"

You descend further and further deep into the icy cold abyss...

Then...the mysterious ocean morphs and vanishes into nothing.

You come to the realization that you are the entire universe.

You are the universe, and the universe is you.

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