chapter four

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the girl started walking towards me. the realization set in, ME?! uhm, no thanks! she looked like she could pin me down and stab me in a million possible ways. I knew I could probably beat her in hand to hand combat, but what if she just pulled out a knife and stabbed my thigh or something.

the girl plopped down right across from me. I tried to not look at her, and continued playing with my fingers like I did before, but she kept staring at me.

I started to stretch out my fingers to play what I call " the finger knife game " when she finally spoke up

" are you always this childish? " she said in a rude tone

" are you always this noisy? " I blurted out. I immediately glanced at her and smirked.

she rolled her eyes at me and crossed her arms
" you're stuck up."

"god, who twisted your ego so wrong? " I questioned.

before she could speak, two avoxes emerged from a kitchen somewhere and came out with plates of stew, and began to serve them around.

" you're a bitch. " she replied

" no need to be so rude. " I snarled

"well you are. " she said. I glared at her. this was the first time I really got a good look at her. she had sun kissed pale ish tan skin, and big brown eyes. she had a beauty mark below her right eye, which made her look somewhat sweeter than what she really was.

" you have really pretty eyes " I said to her and smiled. she rolled her eyes " stop looking at me! " she barked out. I giggled and waited for my plate to be served.

an avox came by and started to serve me a portion of stew. the mushy combination of carrots and onions fell down into my bowl. I picked up my spoon and began to eat while the girl got severed. after the avox left, she began to eat aswell.

I wiped my mouth on a nearby napkin and looked at her while she finished her meal. she picked up on this almost instantly and glared at me.

" what's your name? " I questioned. she huffed out and murmured something.

" my apologies what did you say? " I asked. her eyes met mine and we made eye contact for what seemed like forever. the only thing I picked up was the talking of the district 1 girl, who must have arrived sometime after we got served

" it's clove. " she hissed.

" that's pretty. " I smiled at her. clove smirked and looked at me

" yours? " she questioned

" sydney, syd for short " I replied

" eh, you look like a amber to me. " she said as she scraped the last bit of soup out of her bowl.

" I'm gonna go. " I said. as I got up to leave, clove grabbed my hand and pulled me back. I jerked my head at her in surprise

clove got up, still holding my hand and stood inches away from my face. I could almost make out every twinkle in her eyes.

" im taller " clove smirked and sat down.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the pile of empty dishes and sat down my plate carefully on the top of the pile.

I went and sat back down, fiddling and folding with my napkin in my hands as clove watched me for what seemed like forever until I finally spoke up about it.

" why the hell are you looking at me fold a damn napkin? " I shouted at her. cloves giggled.

" am I getting on your nerves? that's cute. " she smirked

" no, it isn't. you're being a werido" I said

" you're so fucking childish " she groaned in annoyance

" thank you~! " I said in a singsong voice.

" Sydney come here please! You need to meet your mentors! " havana said.

I got up from my chair and pushed it in. I met eyes with clove and winked at her before walking out of the dining cabin.

I could tell she was pissed off. and that was a goodish thing. I just hoped she knew I was slightly joking. maybe she'll think I'm badass. I'm totally badass...


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