4: A new power

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Sorry for not updating for like six months <3 extreme writers block. 

"I'm scared." It took a lot of strength for Seungwoo to admit it to Byungchan.

Byungchan gulps, his face softening even more. "I get it. You're not hurt, are you?"

Seungwoo shakes his head, flinching as the lurio makes a hissing noise at the two sitting inside of the building just out of it's reach. Byungchan covers his own ears and squeezes his eyes shut, facing his head toward the nearby wall. 

Seungwoo stares into the eyes of the monster. A feeling of nausea creeps up the back of his throat. At the same time a feeling of bravery bangs at his chest, the urge to get up and do something instead of sitting still in fear. 

Seungwoo stands up, causing Byungchan to whip his head around and grip onto Seungwoo's wrist. "What are you doing? Seungsik will be here soon." he whispers, avoiding the sight of the lurio. 

"Just trust me." Seungwoo whispers. 

"Seungwoo! There's something nobody's mentioned yet-"

Seungwoo rips his wrist free from Byungchan's grip  and speeds at the monster, a dark blue color clouding his eyesight. He lets out a pained yell, and in seconds the monster is deteriorating into blue particles in the air as planets and stars swirl protectively around Byungchan and Seungwoo before shooting back up into the sky. 

Byungchan uses the wall to push himself to his feet. He stumbles over to Seungwoo and slaps a hand onto his shoulder, "I was going to say that each of us are given a gift here-"

Seungwoo turns to Byungchan, "Catch me."

At that moment, Seungwoo is sent into sleep's oblivion as his body falls limp in Byungchan's arms. Seungsik shows up a few minutes later with his hands shaking. He thought the Lurio had already gotten to the poor two people left to fend for themselves. But when he turned the corner toward the entrance to the building he was relieved to see Byungchan alive and well- and then immediately horrified at the state of Seungwoo. 

Without a word, Seungsik checks for a pulse on Seungwoo, sighing in relief once he feels one on the side of his neck. "What happened?" he asks the dazed-looking Byungchan. 

"It seems as if we may have...a power problem."

"What does that mean?"

"Oh man, you should have seen it! He went like this!" Byungchan flails his arms around, "and then booom! There was a ton of blue like food blue! Then BAAM! Space! And then the lurio disappeared!"

Seungsik chokes, "You're gonna need to explain that again at base, lets get going before another lurio shows up then."

"Did I talk too fast?"

"No. We just have to get going." Says Seungsik as he picks up Seungwoo and throws him over his shoulder. Byungchan and Seungsik sneak back through the land to base, excited to learn of what Sejun and Subin have achieved in this time. 

At base, Chan opens their "custom made" door and nearly falls onto his back when he sees Seungwoo unconscious. "Did something happen?"

"Byungchan will explain later, can you do a check up on Seungwoo right now?"

"Of course, just get him to his room." Chan says, beginning to walk to his own room. He stops in his tracks, turning back to Seungsik,  "Have you heard from Sejun and Subin yet?"

"I haven't. I'm assuming they're okay though, usually it takes this long, don't be too worried about it Chan." 

Chan nods, continuing to his room to get his medical supplies the group gathered over the years.

As Chan completes a basic checkup on Seungwoo, Byungchan explains what happened, trying to keep his hyper-ness level to a minimum in order to make the two calmer people able to understand. Seungsik didn't think much of it now, concluding that Seungwoo was possibly some sort of blessing, someone with a gift so powerful it would actually free the group from the planet. Chan on the other hand, seemed disturbed by these powers. Seungsik couldn't help but notice how he seemed hesitant to touch Seungwoo at all, possibly because of a fear of something he had seen before anyone else showed up on the planet. 

Seungsik never pushed him to talk about things before the two met, but something told him he would have to eventually, if the group ever wanted to escape. It seemed as if Chan was holding the one true way to get out of here in a box locked by his own fear. Or maybe there was a reason he could never speak of the things that happened, a reason that also cannot be revealed. As the self assigned leader, Seungsik has to debate every option if he wants himself and everyone else to see their beloved homes ever again. 

After the checkup, Seungwoo is left to rest. Seungsik decides to head over to the queen's base in search of Sejun, Subin, and Hanse because of an eerie feeling creeping up on him. The other two agree to it, making sure that Seungsik's walkie talkie still operates correctly before gloomily sending him out the door and preparing themselves for another long period of boring worrying. 

Seungsik safely approaches the gray crumbling castle, heading straight for the back to enter through the safest and most secret entryway. If anything, he hopes his three friends come running out of there just as he arrives, all safe and sound and ready to think of another plan.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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