Oh, How My Heart Aches

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Oh, how my heart aches knowing you're gone,

Losing a part of me I can never get back.

The gaping hole in my chest,



Growing more hollow and empty by the day.

Crippling anxiety suffocating me, 

The pain of heartbreak stabbing my soul.

Allowing the pain to hurt,

As it was the only indication that our love was real,

That we were real,

That you were real.

The memories play like a motion picture,

And the flashbacks are spiraling me away from reality,

Reminding me what could've been but wasn't,

What it can be but won't.

Losing a lover and a friend,

The double edged sword I knew would hurt enough to kill.

But here I am still standing,

Mourning your presence.

Oh, how my heart aches.

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