Growing Pains

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It's a conflicting feeling,

Growing apart from a bond you cherished and valued so deeply.

Wishing you can relive the memories,

The good and the bad,

The best and the worst.

A devastating case of bad timing with the right person.

Or whom you believed was the right person.

Becoming attached to a dream,

Not wanting to let go.

But reality kicks in,

And you find that you know in your heart that what's done is done.

There's no going back.

The distance and time being lost is excruciating,

Almost unbearable.

All communication gone as if their presence never existed.

Only a nostaligic memory,

Growing faint as the person you once knew vanishes,

Disappearing from your life.

Replaying the false promises and lies that were fed,

Tying you down like an anchor of attachment and reliance,

Battling between holding on and letting go.

Setting not only them free,

But yourself free.

The gaping hole aching with the realization.

It was all a facade. 

A sensation and hurt similar to growing pains.

A connection of love worn thin,

Cut off in thin air.

No explanation.

No reasoning.

Just pure loneliness.

Heartbroken and empty at the moment, 

But having comfort in knowing it was for the best.

As said before "with pain comes strength."

And that strength is within me.

I just have to grow out of those damn growing pains first.

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