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( Legion of Doom - Part 1 of 2 )

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( Legion of Doom - Part 1 of 2 )

( Location Unknown )

'Oh, I know what went wrong. I listened to him.' Damien complained.

'If you had listened to me, we would have walked out of that bank instead of shooting our way out.' Malcolm replied.

'Either way we came out empty handed.'

'I seem to recall Eobard mentioning how he was going to punish your for your failure.'

'If anyone's a failure here it's you. You were the one who learned about the safe, yet seemed not to know about a passcode! Sloppy Damien, no wonder they passed you over for Ra's.'

'This is where he reminds me that he was Ra's Al Ghul.' Damien said, kneeling down to Phil's level. 'Malcolm, always living in the past.'

'No, this is when I remind you about your future.' Malcolm taunted. Damien looked back up at Malcolm, anger written on his face. 'Oh, that's right. I've been there, I've seen how pathetic you are.'

'In this future that you're from, do I at least have two hands?' Damien said. 'Either way I intend to change my future. Look at you now; you're pathetic. I don't even know why Thawne recruited you in the first place.'

'We could argue all night, Damien, but I don't want to bore our guests here with your impotent insults and recriminations.'

Thea nodded in agreement. Malcolm may be evil, but he did have a point. Damien then placed his hand on Phil's shoulder and leaned closer to Malcolm.

'What are you suggesting?' Damien questioned.

'You know how we resolved disputes within the league?' Malcolm said, walking to the weapons rack and picking up a thin sword. 'Now, I suggest you choose a blade that matches that sharp tongue of yours.'

Well, this couldn't be good.

Well, this couldn't be good

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[ Author's Note ]

Sorry for the sucky chapter in which nothing much occurs, I just didn't want to make the fight scene super long and annoying for y'all.

Word Count: 287 words | Published: 30th of May 2022

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