New Girl In Tulsa. The Gang X Oc {part 1}

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Sam lived in new York her whole life until she decided to move away to Tulsa Oklahoma at the age of seventeen.

Sam had been driving through the town of Tulsa on her way to her new apartment on the South side she had came from New York

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Sam had been driving through the town of Tulsa on her way to her new apartment on the South side she had came from New York.

as she had been driving she spotted a gang of seven guys running from another gang of fellas they looked rich and snobbish so she pulled over to watch out of curiosity

The boys hollered slurrs and insults at the posh pricks, or 'socs' as they yelled
Each looked determined to go down swinging.

These greasers didn't the type to turn tail so easily, especially the tall brunettte. He threw empty cans, rocks and whatever else he could get his hands on at the other gang of fellas. A younger man shadowed him but didnt throw anything at the other gang.

Sam gotten out of her truck and grabbed her switch blade something making her want to protect the gang to greasers she walked towards the group of socs showing her switch blade "hey assholes back off right now my uncles a cop and I could get ye arrested for assault"

she said as the socs all looked at her "and who the hell are you little red riding hood" one of them said attempting to annoy her for her ginger hair "really that's all you got that's pathetic you were clearly raised with a golden spoon stuck up your ass" sam retorted.

The two younger boys looked at Sam like she was crazy but did their best to keep a straight face.

The older guys didn't even blink when Sam came to back them up, though all of them seemed to shift places and move to kinda shield the younger boys. The brunette chuckled at Sams taunting, "That's right you snobs Run back home to yer mamas before we take those spoons and beat the crap outta ya with 'em!".

"you gonna cut us little girl with that knife I bet its not even that sharp" the soc taunted as he grabbed her Sam was quick and ended up cutting the socs cheek just enough to make him bleed.

he backed off immediately "you little bitch" he said in pain "you try anything on me or them and I promise ye yall will end up in a prison cell with rats" she said as the socs began to scatter back into their mustangs.

Letting out a low whistle Dallas chuckled at the sight. "HA- I knew those shitheads were wimpy but that takes the damn cake".

He continued laughing his ass off as the sound of rubber hitting asphalt rang in the air. Dallas winked at Sam as he watched the mustang speed off, " Y'know we had that handled sweetheart. Ya didn't have to step in for us." He patted himself down, looking for a smoke but coming up empty. "You wouldn't have a cancer stick would ya Red?"

Sam had grabbed her packet of cigarettes and handed them to  dally "well I couldn't exactly stand by and watch like some wimp besides they're was more of them than ye" she replied as she then grinned "I'm Samantha by the way but please call me Sam". She said softly

Dallas shrugged a shoulder, "Thanks sweetheart." He lit up a cigarette then looked over at Johnny, he looked a shade paler than usual and like he needed a cigarette. "Hey Sam, is it cool if Johnycakes over there has one of these too?" Dallas points over at Johnny who's chatting with Ponyboy. The oldest guy shoots a pointed look at Dallas, though only receiving a raised brow in reply. He didn't seem to mind taking advantage of the stranger's generosity. "If thats fine with you."

"you know I can tell when my genorosity is been taken advantage of and I don't appreciate being called sweetheart either but your friend looks shaken up so just keep the box of cigarettes kay I better be on my way anyways" Sam replied now feeling stupid for letting her guard down in front of a total stranger.

The rest of the gang, besides Johnny, all glare at Dallas for being a dick. Johnny looks sheepishly over at Sam and decides to go thank her.

He speaks a loy softer than Dallas, "Uh.. Thanks for the smoke.. I definitely need it. A-and thank you for standing up for us.. The others might not say it but uh.. We probably needed the help today." He takes a smoke from the pack but he puts his away. "I'll smoke it later.." Johnny kicks at the dirt for a moment before realising that none of them have introduced themselves. "Oh- Uh.. I'm Johnnycakes- Er- Johnny Cade."

"well Johnny cakes its very nice to meet you" Sam said as she smiled a little even though she didn't know Johnny she could already tell that she would get to become very fond of him.

As the others introduced themselves and chatted to Sam she ended up liking them "Sam we're gonna head to a diner for some food you wanna come eat?" darry asked as Sam felt a little awkward "I would love to but I gotta make my way to my apartment and unpack but uh reign check?" she asked as she smiled at them.

Johnny seemed to brighten up about the rain check, it was a good compromise. "Sure thing. Gotta pen? We'll need your number or somethin' if we're gonna set anything up." A faint blush crept up on Johnny's face, "I mean- uh..." Suddenly Johnny looked like he wished the ground could eat him up.

The others all chuckled at his expense, even ponyboy had to stifle a giggle. Dallas nudged Johnny, though if you weren't friends with him, you couldn't be sure if it was to comfort him or not. Dallas smirked and spoke up again, " Yeah. We'll definitely need something if we're gonna hangout again swe- Sam." He caught himself before calling Sam 'sweetheart' again. She didnt seem the type to let it slide if he said it again.

Sam grinned she noticed the slight blush on Johnny's cheek she then grabbed a piece of paper and pen from her truck and wrote down her number she then given the piece of paper to Johnny "there now yall have my phone number for our reign check" she said softly as she smiled a little "well I gotta go so I can settle in I hope yall fellas don't stand me up" she said jokingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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