Chapter 5

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~ Lucas House~

Lucas "Hey Vladmir."

Vladmir "Hey."

Lucas "How was your sleep."

Vladmir "Terrible."

Lucas "Why terrible."

Vladmir "For how my dream was and what I was thinking of when I woke up."

Lucas "What was your dream."

Vladmir "About how I first became bisexual and also when I relize I was gay."

Lucas "Wow."

Vladmir "So what do you want to do."

Lucas "I don't know."

Vladmir "What you doing."

Lucas "Nothing."

Vladmir "Are you cheating one me."

Lucas "No that was my friend."

Vladmir "Don't use that as an excuse."

Lucas "I'm not."

Vladmir "Then why do you keep looking at your phone."

Lucas "Because people are texting me. Plus I have the volume down so that it don't bother us."

Vladmir "I just don't get it why are you doing this."

Lucas "I'm not doing anything."

Vladmir "Yes you are."

Lucas "I'm not."

Rylee walks in.

Rylee "What are you to arguing about."

Vladmir "He's cheating on me."

Lucas "I am not cheating on you."

Rylee "Lucas come here so I can talk to you two seppretly. But first I want to talk to Lucas."

So Rylee and Lucas went upstairs to talk.

Rylee "What's wrong."

Lucas "He thinks I'm cheating on him when I'm not."

Rylee "What made him think that."

Lucas "When he seen me pull out my phone."

Rylee "Oh all right. Go tell Vladmir to come up here."

So Lucas. told Vladmir to go upstairs. Vladmir went up stairs.

Rylee "What's wrong."

Vladmir "Lucas is cheating on me." (In a crying voice)

Rylee "Please give him a chance if he did chet on you."

Vladmir "No! I won't alow it." (Yelling)

Rylee "Come on."

Vladmir "No!" (Yelling)

Vladmir gose down stairs and talks to Lucas.

Vladmir "We're through. I'm breaking up with you."

Lucas "Please don't."

Vladmir "No! I don't want to go through this."

Vladmir walks outside and gets into his car. He sits there for a wile and he leaves. He got to his house. He gose upstairs and starts to cry on his bed.

Vladmir "Why. Why now. I can't believe it. he cheated on me."

~Lucas House~

Lucas "Noooooooo. He broke up with me."

Rylee "I know when you can officially tell him your thong you wanted to do. You can tell him when he leaves to go home. He told me that if you two ever broke up he will take me and him back to our real home."

Lucas "How did you now I was going to do somthing."

Rylee "You were texting me. That you were going to do it. When I know when me nd him offically leaves. I'll tell text you when I know when me and him are going back to our origanl home.

Lucas "All right."

Lucas goes upstairs to his room and starts crying.

He Has Me At The Tip Of His Finger (Lucas Cruikshank Fanfiction)(BoyXBoy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora