"We love you." That's Funny, You Didn't Yesterday.

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"You're not gonna change?" Anthony asks. 

I raise an eyebrow at him as I push the car door open. "Change? For what? It's my parents, they know what I dress like." 

Anthony frowned "You know, you could back out. I could tell them you're in a meeting." 

"Why would I back out?  Nothings wrong, everything's fine." I step out of the car and close it behind me while exhaling. "I'm fine" I mutter under my breath. 

My feet move and my body follows but anything other than that stayed behind at the watchtower with my bloody shirt and emotions. Emotions are anything but needed for this night. 

Sweat was already forming as I walked into the building and a man in a suit approached me. 

"Can I help you?" The guy asked looking me up and down like I'm a beggar. 

I frown "My parents got a table here. Um, the last name is Bennett?"  

The man stepped behind his desk and checked the computer before looking up with a delightful smile on his face. "Yes, you are listed for the table. Come this way Mr. Bennett." 

I follow the man in an elevator that opened up to a room full of conversation. People were at tables, eating, talking, and laughing. Classical music was playing in the background and as the man lead me deeper into the room I understand why Anthony wanted me to change. Everyone was decorated like an art gallery. When he stopped at a table I thought for a moment he had the wrong table where a man wearing a suit and a lady with her hair tied up in a bun wearing a purple dress was sitting delicately drinking a glass of champagne. Then I saw my mother's slightly graying hair and the glass of alcohol in their hands was all too familiar. 

"Enjoy your evening sir" The man said as he bowed to me and left quickly. 

"Hello son!" Dad grins.

"How nice of you to finally arrive!"  Mom says cheerily as she sips out of her glass. 

I watch them suspiciously as I pull a chair out and plop down, never taking my eyes off of them. 

"Hey" I say quietly. "What's with the outing and fancy outfits?" 

The two smile at me. 

"Well, we thought a nice dinner outing with all of your new found success is appropriate for this type of thing." Mom chirps. 

I look at dad. "That suit looks expensive," I say, having a suspicion of something I really hopes wouldn't happen. 

Dad nodded "Doesn't really matter anymore though does it? You are a billionaire!" 

There it is! So I'm the new supporter of the family. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, all kids would do this for their parents, right? 

I reach over and grab a roll of bread. 

Even the sting of pain from my new stitches didn't stir any expression in my face as I blankly stare at the table, contemplating what to do. 

Mom started talking, so did dad. Everyone in the room was talking and all I could catch was mom was shopping for new bigger houses and dad wanted a watch. 

Well, I wanted to leave. 

"We're just so proud of you Wyatt." Mom gasps as she reaches over and takes my hand. "I just knew one of my children were going to one day be something successful and let me and your father retire."

I felt like maybe I was being used.

I look at her and stare.

"So, you accepted that I won the lottery?" I ask. "And you're not angry?"

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