ƈԋαρƚҽɾ ϝιʋҽ (concluded draft)

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In any other world, the story would end at some point in time. Unfortunately for our heroes, it would seem that they are too late. The pages, blank like the fog of a ghost town. Every location sitting still and slowly crippling. Withering away into forgotten time. The old past became older.

Maybe the story was destined to be left alone. Allow the moss to spread among the churned leather. It was simply a story that didn't seem like it would not meet the expectations the author wanted. A plot that would eventually get nowhere, with a corrupt character having no clear motive to undertake the actions they thought they had to accomplish. With a heavy heart, we may not know what happens for the time being. It's done.

This is not the end however.

They will return soon. In another form.

Burning Tale (concluded draft)Where stories live. Discover now