• 𝐸𝓁𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃 •

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"Cmon, seriously, you okay in there?" He asked again.

Once again, no response.

"This isn't funny y'know," he said.

You don't care. He doesn't care about how you actually felt.

You hear something slide against the door, assuming it's Larry sitting on the floor.

"Don't try to pity me now," you finally said, "you've already done enough."

You trusted him and told him how you truly felt, only to be crushed by reality. You crawl to the dirty ground, next to the door.

"I'm not trying to; I'm trying to apologize. But you're not listening." His voice is monotone.

He still doesn't care what I think, he only wants me to forgive him and pretend to be alright. You don't want to do that. He doesn't want a partner, he wants a friend, and you can't do that.

"That's because I don't forgive you, I just can't," you say plainly.

"Well, can you just do me this," he started, "can you, at the very least, come out of the bathroom?"

You didn't want to; you didn't want to face him again after what he did.

Maybe I'm overreacting you thought as you got up and turned the knob of the door. You are once again greeted by Larry's face, your heart aches.

"Listen, I doubt you will forgive me for what I did," he started again, "but I'm still sorry, I do actually want to tell you my true feeling."

LATE NIGHT WONDERS || larry (sally face) x reader Where stories live. Discover now