I Didn't Expect to See You Here...

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"Ding Dong!" The doorbell rang early in the morning

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"Ding Dong!" The doorbell rang early in the morning. Fiat stirred in his bed, wondering if he was expecting someone. He knew the maid had access to a spare key to his house. He couldn't think of any other visitors. The doorbell rang again snapping him out of his thoughts. He slowly got out of the bed and walked to the door rubbing sleep from his eyes. He opened the door and saw a mailman outside. "Sir, you have a parcel. Please sign here." The mailman said, handing him a sheet of paper and pen. Fiat received the parcel and stared at the beautiful handwriting his address was scrawled in. He immediately recognized the handwriting and felt a pang of pain in his chest. The handwriting was his best friend's mother's. He opened the parcel and saw a red tuxedo inside. He took out the coat and gave a gasp of surprise to see that it was a pretty sexy coat which exposed a lot of his chest. Beneath the coat, there was a note. Fiat picked it up confused. The note read:

My dear son Fiat, I hope you are well.
It has been a long time since we last met.
I know that things between you and Leo aren't good.
I'm inviting you to our annual banquet next week to reconcile.
I know it will be difficult for you considering the past.
But I hope you can make it.
I love you and miss you

Fiat let out a breath he didn't even realise he was holding. He wiped a tear that rolled down his cheek away and he sat on the sofa as the memories of his past flooded back to him. "Fiat, are you going to attend the banquet?" His roommate and best friend Tho asked after reading the note. "I'm not sure. I vowed to never see him again after what happened. Mom wrote to me and is requesting me to attend." Fiat replied. Tho handed him tissues and said, "I think it's best if you take your time to think and then tell Khun Nadia of your decision." Fiat nodded and sat remembering his past with Leo.
After thinking for a few days, he called Leo's mother and told her he would attend the banquet. On the day of the banquet, he changed into the outfit Leo's mother had sent him and went to the banquet with his friend Tho and his twin Aek. On the way to the mansion, he kept thinking how he would face his ex-boyfriend, 4 years after their breakup after how things turned out. Everyone was stunned to see Fiat walk in through the door. He saw Leo looking from the first-floor landing like he couldn't believe his eyes. "Fiat, I'm glad you could make it today! Thank you for bringing him here Tho and Aek. Fiat, you can go and talk to Leo if you want to. He wasn't expecting you here. I didn't tell him that you are coming and I'm sure he is surprised." Nadia said and guided him upstairs. Leo led him to a room to talk privately. "Hey Fiat, how are you doing? It's been a long time. I didn't expect to see you here." Leo said, searching Fiat's face for answers. "I've been well. I came for mom. If she had not asked me to come, I wouldn't have." Fiat replied stiffly. "Are you still mad at what happened in the past?" Leo asked looking upset. "You know what happened in the past. I'm talking to you because she wants me to solve the problem with you." Fiat said. He looked around the room and was surprised to see that it was the same as the last time he saw it 10 years ago. "Leo deliberately brought me to this room because he knows what this room means to me." Fiat thought and looked around the room again. "Surprising how this room hasn't change at all in 10 years." He said to Leo. "We haven't used this room ever since you left. I brought you here to talk. Ai'Fiat, I'm sorry for being a jerk. I want to apologise to you for what I did in the past. I really am truly sorry for that. I don't know if you will forgive me. I'll do anything to make up for it." Leo reached out to hold Fiat's hand but stopped. Fiat stayed silent for some time before saying, "I'm not entirely sure if I can forgive you. What you did was hurtful. But, I'm willing to forgive you if you are able to convince me that you will not repeat that again. If you are not able to convince me, I will walk out of the door and never return." Fiat said and sat down on the bed to hear Leo talk. "After you left me, I worked hard to earn money and pay of all the debts. I have completely quit gambling and will never do that again. I worked hard to earn money for both of us. I will make sure there is no scope of complaint. I have truly changed. Please forgive me and come back to me. It is not the same without you Ai'Fiat. I still love you Ai'Fiat. You have no idea how much I missed you in the past 4 years. After you left, I stopped gambling. I started working hard and kept myself busy so that I don't go back to gambling. Believe me Ai'Fiat, I left gambling the day you left me. I haven't gone there since you left. I am a working man now. I go to work, work hard for hours and come back home. I sometimes go out with co-workers for office parties and all. Other than that, I don't go to party." Leo felt his eyes fill with tears and blinked rapidly to stop the tears from flowing. Fiat looked up at him and asked, "You love me so much that you changed yourself for me now?" Leo wiped the tears away from Fiat's face, gave a small smile and said, "I didn't realise how much I hurt you while you were with me. I realised once you left me how stupid I was to hurt the one I loved so much. You cared for me a lot and in return, all I did was to hurt you. I'm sorry for hurting you." Fiat stood up and pulled Leo up from the floor where he was kneeling before Fiat and hugged him tightly. "I missed you too Ai'Leo. I was so lonely without you. I missed you too." They shed a few tears and promised to never leave each other again. "Ai'Leo, I want to ask you something." Fiat said, composing himself. "What do you want to ask?" Leo was confused. Fiat was quiet for a moment to give a bit more dramatic effect before asking, "Will you be my boyfriend?" and smirked. Leo threw a pillow at him and replied, "You sure are dramatic. You haven't change at all! Of course, I'll be your boyfriend." Leo pulled Fiat into a hug. Fiat went up on tiptoes and pressed his lips to Leo's. They kissed slowly and softly at first before deepening it and going hard. They locked their hands in the other's hair and grabbed the waist with the other. Leo proceeded to unbutton Fiat's shirt while he kept kissing Fiat. "Are you both going to come downstairs or not?" Nadia asked from behind. She had entered the room so silently that neither of the boys heard her enter the room. They weren't aware they had an audience. Leo and Fiat jumped apart and gave her a sheepish look. "Mom, how long have you been standing here?" Leo asked her. "The moment you started kissing each other." She smiled at their surprised faces. "Come downstairs after you both make yourselves presentable." She said and turned to leave, but stopped and said, "I'm glad you both made up. I'm happy you decided to come today, Fiat. I hope you both are together for a long time." Saying this, she left for the party. Leo and Fiat fixed their clothes and made themselves presentable before heading downstairs together. Leo held Fiat's hand and they walked hand-in-hand. They were inseparable the whole night.

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