Chapter 1

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I hope you liked the prologue an thanks for going onto the next chapter! Sorry that the prologue was a bit boring and i hope you like the next few scenes!



Allissia's PoV 


I had just thrown my pillow at my alarm clock. Sighing, I decided that I should probably get up because I have school. It was November so I put on my warm black leggings along with my favorite jumper. //it's cream and made of wool with a small turtleneck which looks great with my light brown leather jacket. I throw on some slipper socks and my boots. I brush my hair and decide to leave it down so I just put in a hair band and I'm ready to go. I run downstairs and eat a banana along with some rivita crackers, I've never had much of an appetite plus I wouldn’t be able to stomach anything else, what with it being the first day and all

After quickly brushing my teeth I ran out the door so as not to be late, well, really I was actually quite early but I wanted to make a good start on my first day. I looked at my car and couldn’t help but smile. Just before we had moved my dad had come into a LOAD of money and that's how we could afford such a nice place like this, he even bought me new car. It was a white Land Rover with black leather seats and cream dashboard, to say I loved it would be an understatement.

As soon as I got into the car I started to blast my music. I have an obsession with Beyonce at the moment and 'Diva' was blasting away. I couldn’t help but smile; this was the exact song I needed to start me off today. I had been told that this was going to e a school for rich kids but I hadn’t expected this: Driving up to the school there were these big black Victorian gates with big red brick walls on either side. On the pillars the was this fancy stone work which i think was meant t be the school crest.

As if that wasn’t enough the school itself looked like a castle. No joke, it was around two rugby pitches long (i suppose i should probably start saying football fields) it had these long windows and gargoyles on the roof. id say it had about five floors but i dunno oif it had an attic as well.

And then there were the cars. Oh, My. God! There were porches, Audis even a few Ferraris!!

As soon as i got out of the car i was blasted with cold air. There weren’t many people outside and for that i was grateful. I really didn’t want those 'new girl' stares that every new girl seems to get. The ones where the guys are mentally undressing you and the girls are scrutinizing what you are wearing.

Walking into the school my suspicions about this being a rich kid school. All the doors were made of mahogany and the lockers were twice the size of the ones in my old school.

After looking around i realized that there was no sign if the office anywhere so i decided to ask someone. There were only two groups f people in the hallway. A group of nerds and a group of nice looking people.

Just as i was about to ask one of the girls in the group where the office was the doors of the school were thrown open. In walked the 'popular group'. You could tell who they were from the way the girls looked at everyone else as if they were the scum of the earth and the guys walked around as if they had just got some.

Finally i tapped one of the girls on the shoulder and she turns around so fast that she must be able to see the shock on my face. She just smiles and says "Hi, I'm Lola, can i help you?" She's gorgeous in that way where she knows it but doesn’t flaunt it around.

"hi, um sorry, I'm Alissia. I was wondering if you could show me where the office is?"

"Sure, no problem!"

She inked her arm through mine and guided me down the hallway, up the stairs and down a hall with red carpet and paintings on the walls. She explained that all of the paintings had been done by students past and present. I could already feel myself warming up to this girl.

"Here you go" she said. We had stopped out side a fancy looking dark mahogany door. "to get on Mrs. Darby’s good side all you have to do is smile and have good manners. If you can do that she'll be less likely to send you into the principal's office if you break an rules."

"Ok, thanks"

"Your welcome. I'll wait out here and show everything when your done."

"Thank you" I said again and se just smiled

I knocked on the door until i heard a very monotone voice say "Come in." Giving a nervous smile to Lola i walked in.

Inside there was a large intricate looking desk with papers everywhere. Putting on my fakest smile, i said "hi, I'm sorry for bothering you but I'm new and I was wondering if you had my schedule and locker information?" I hoped to God that that was polite enough.

It must have been because immediately a big smile appeared on her face. As soon as she smiled I could see that she was actually quite pretty.

"Yes dear, sorry what’s your name?"

"Alissia Newman"

"Alissia? Oh, what a pretty name!"

"Thank you"

"Now here is your schedule, your locker information, the school rules and a map of the school grounds. Enjoy!"

She had handed me a large brown envelope. Smiling genuinely this time I said "Thank you" and left only to be bombarded with questions from Lola.

After seeing that i had no idea what she was saying she just took my envelope and started looking at my schedule.

"Hmmmm we have fist period, third and fourth period and seventh period together."

"That sounds good"

"Yeah, and I'll introduce you to my friends too"

"Sounds great"

Finally she gave me back my schedule:

1. Home Room

2. Math’s


3. History

4. French

5. Gym


6. Home Economics

7. Science

As far as I could tell it wasn't that bad of a schedule. I mean we only had seven classes and one of those was gym so I was happy. Now all I had to do was find my locker and get to class.


Soryy that it was so short and boring but I wanted to set up the area. The next chapter will be longer and more exciting, I promise!!

Alos would you like another person's PoV or will I just keep it with Alissia

Comment, vote if you think I deserve it :)


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