Chapter 3

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Sorry for the slow update. Just got back to school and they've been laying on the homework!!  

Any comments or votes really appreciated!



 Alissia's PoV

I've been at school for a couple of weeks now. I get on really well with everyone so it's not as bad as I thought it would be. This Friday I'm going to a movie night at Lola's with the girls. I can't wait!!

I looked at the clock in lit and it seemed as if the class would never end. Looking out the window it seemed like the perfect weather to go for a run in the woods.

I had taken up running a week after I arrived. Ciara had been going on about how much she loved running and I figured I'd give it a try. It turned out I loved it. It was so refreshing to feel the wind in your hair, nad see the trees zooming past you.

I had met most of the year bar one or two that everyone avoided but I definetleyfit in the best with lola's gang. I suppose I just had the most in common with them. Lola, Lexi and ANdy came with us sometimes and even the guys came one but we didn't do much running thta day. We did one or two races then we just sunbathed.

I smiled while remembering that day. Andy had taken a picture of us all and given all of us a copy of it. Mine was on my notice board in my room. Mum was really happy when she saw that picture. I guess she saw as a sign that I was settling into my new school.

Finally the bell rang and I sprinted outside. I was givinf Lexi a ride to hers and she always has to be on time.

Even tough I had practically sprinted out of school she was still at my car before me. Sighing, I ralised that I would never beat her.

"Get in" I grunted

She just laughed and said "Okey doke, slow poke"

My scowl deepened at this remark and I glared at her. She laughed again so I put on the radio to the heavy metal channel. She absolutely hates heavy metal.

Looking at me she said "Ok, I get it.Now can we please change the channel" with a puppy face on.

"Fine. You can choose the channel."

Smiling again she changed the station to one playing 'I won't give up' by Jason Mraz.

I couldn't help it, I smiled too because this was one of my favourite songs of all time. i started to sing along with her and we were belting it out. I didn't notice as she stopped and started to listen to me singing.

"Wow, your really good Lissy. I mean really REALLY good. Omigosh! You should audition for the show!!"

Laughing I replied "Haha thanks Lexi but there's no way I would be able to sing in front that many people! And besides, I'm not that good. I mean, who would want to watch little old me singing? No one, that's who!"

she looked at me as if I had three heads and then looked like she had one of her crazy ideas.


"Nothing" she said a little too happily

"Seriously, what are you thinking?"

"Nothing! I'll see you later at Lola's!"

I realised then that we had reached her house. Feeling slightly confused I just nodded as she got out.

"I'll pick you up at seven!" she shouted

"Ok! See you then!"

I drove back home and went into my kitchen. There was nothing in the fridge apart from celery and apples.

"Apples it is then" I muttered to myself.

Shrugging I went upstairs to get my homework out of the way. I plugged my phone into my speakers. 'Lift off' By  

Jay-Z and Kanye west came on. After sitting down at my desk I tried to do my homework but I just couldn't concentrate. For some weird reason I kept on thinking about James.

James's abs, his dimples, his arms, how perfect I wold feel if I was to be surrounded by those arms....WAIT, WHAT?!!?!

WHy was I thinking these things?!?! James was a stuck up prick and I couldn't stand him. Suddenly this voice said in my head "No, the others van't stand him". What was that? I was starting to get really freaked out but the voice was gone.

But it was right...the others hated him, not me.....STOP. What am I thinking? Maybe I just needed some sleep. I put my alarm on to wake me up in an hour and out inn my sleep playlist.

Hopefully everything will get back to normal when I awake.


Don't worry! I'm gonna have a chapter in James's Point of View soon! 

So what do you think of Alissia'a thoughts? Is she starting to get feelings for James?....

I'd love some comments or votes!  

Thanks for reading!!


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