Chapter 4

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So sorry I haven't updated in ages but school work has been catching up to me and I've been sick, I know, no excuses but you gotta cut me some slack!!

Thanks for reading any wys though and I would realy appreciate some votes or followers, thanks



James's PoV

I looked around me. I wasn't quite sure where I was. I had been trying to study but I couldn't stop thinking about Alissia so I went out for a run to clear my head. Needless to say, it didn't work. Alissia was gorgeous, divine, amazing, and incredibly incredible! I'm going to run out of words soon. She looks like the Moon Goddess herself created her and she has the most beautiful voice I have ever heard. Just one word from her and I would be falling at her feet.

Wait a second...WHAT?!?!?!

Allissia was....ummm....annoying?

Oh, who am I kidding? I am falling head over heels for this girl! All I hope is that I meet my mate soon and all these...'feelings' would go away.

Alissia's PoV

I could hear Andy's horn outside. I quickly grabbed my bag full of fizzy drinks (Lola had given each of us something to bring) and lashed on some clear lip-gloss and mascara. I was about to run out the door when I remembered to say goodbye to my parents.

"Bye Mum! Bye Dad!"

"Oh! So you’re off?" replied my mum

"Yeah, I'll be back before 11. Ok?"

"Alright sweetie but remember not to go outside in the dark by yourself, make sure to always have one of the girls with you."

"Ummm, ok. Why would I go outside any ways?" They were looking at each other really uneasily.

"Just make sure to be careful" Sheesh, you'd swear I was going to a street race or something.

"Well bye!"

I ran out the door to avoid any more of that weird conversation. I would have to snoop around later to find out why they were acting so strangely.

Andy was in her car waiting for me. Ciara was in the front and we were about to go get Lexi then we were going straight to Lola's.

After running into Lola's we all quickly helped ourselves to each other's food and got comfy on the couches. We each got to choose a movie too (I know! Lola's so organized! ) I chose Burlesque; it is one of my favorite movies of all time!  

I sing at least one of its songs everyday.

Altogether we had five movies: Avengers, Burlesque, Hanna, Finding Nemo (That was Ciara...) and The Vow. It was going to be a long night! Lola had set up a load of stuff for us to do too. She had facials (which we were going to do after our makeovers), a load of ice cream, a smoothie area, twister, nail polishes and loads more!

After finishing Avengers we did our makeup, except we did this really weird way of doing it. We did it blindfolded and backwards! So we put eye shadow all over our faces first then lipstick on our eyes and foundation on our lips. It was a nightmare trying to get the lipstick out of my eyebrows (Andy went a little bit crazy) but it was worth it because of the pictures we now have of Lexi with a totally green face, red eyes and pale brown lips!

Unfortunately someone spilled the beans about our sleepover which resulted in a bit of a party crash. The only warning we had was a message from Cian to "Get ready". None of us expected what happened next though.

There was a sudden blackout and no one could see anything. I could hear people opening the door and jostling in and I assumed it was all the guys. I was right......sort of. Then the lights came back on and we saw the all. They had all dressed up as us!! They had even gotten Lola's little brother in on it. Lola's brother (Fred) was dressed up as Lola with a wig on and some clothes he had stolen from her. Cian was dressed up as Ciara in a load of running gear. Stephan looked like Andy with freckles drawn on his face and glasses. Rick looked like Lexi with her signature high pony tail and LOADS of mascara. Patrick was supposed to be me with a wig on and green eye contacts. He also had an iPod and earphones in. What can I say? I love music!

They all piled into the room and plunked themselves on the couches. We were too flabbergasted to do anything though. We stared at them and just burst out laughing! They had put in so much effort and we couldn't kick them out so we just let them be. They stayed for all the movies and when we were going to sleep they brought in their sleeping bags. How could we say no?! After a while everyone fell asleep.

In the middle of the night I suddenly woke up. Everyone was gone. I immediately ran into the kitchen hoping that they were there. I could see something moving in the shadows outside. I know they say curiosity killed the cat but in this case I'd use another animal. As soon as I stepped outside a load of wolves all stared at me. I was scared stiff. I had no idea what to do. I looked around for a second, trying to find some sot of weapon and my eyes saw something awful. Everyone’s clothes were on the ground and there were no signs of any of them anywhere. I realised that the wolves had probably eaten them. Screaming I ran as fast as I could inside and grabbed my car keys. Lola's parents still weren't home and I had seen Fred's clothes outside so I knew I was the only one left in the house. I an outside to my car and the strangest thing happened. One of the wolves was outside my car after staring at it for a few seconds I went to run away but then it transformed into Lola. I fainted.


Thanks for reading!! I REALLY need some names PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

Any kind of ones now. Cheers my deers. Only messing, your not deers!

Or maybe you are......


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