The Abandonment of U

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Your quirk is... It's not the best news."
Izuku Midoriya was sat in the office of a qualified quirk doctor, getting his quirk analysed. The tests had taken a while , but Izuku didn't care
"You have a quirk but it, well, you may not like it. Your ability has been dubbed The Flow of Calamity. Anyone who commits an act of "Pursuit" against you will suffer from "The Flow of Calamity." Anyone affected by the flow of calamity will be subject to a series of incidents with the intent to kill or disable that person. In the case of multiple pursuers, whoever is the most recent or active in pursuing you becomes the priority target. After the first person dies or becomes unable to continue to pursue you via a calamity, the ability moves on to the next target, creating a stacking effect. Only the highest priority target will be affected by the ability at any given time. The exact form the calamity takes varies. Upon contact with any object influenced by part of the calamity, the target receives an extremely disproportionate amount of damage, especially from impacts. The damage the object can cause will only affect the target. If the target manages to avoid or survive a calamity, another one will always follow shortly afterwards."

Izuku and his mother sat in silence. It was a powerful ability, but a dangerous and unheroic one. Izuku was happy that he had a quirk, but was nervous about the things that might happen. Inko thanked the doctor and the two Green haired individuals got up and left.

The journey back was deathly quiet. Izuku was thinking about his quirk and what would happen because of it. Inko was thinking about her next course of action. She was unwilling to hate her son, however she was hesitant to raise a villain, especially one who would be as dangerous as him. When they returned home, Izuku went straight to his room and made notes on his newly found quirk.

The next day, he returned to school. His best friend Katsuki Bakugo began questioning Midoriya about his power
"So Izuku, what's your quirk?"
There was a hint of excitement in the blonde's voice. Izuku immediately grew anxious. He hadn't fully accepted his own ability yet, how could he expect Bakugo to do it.
Katsuki looked at his friend with a concerned expression.
'He's going to hate me, I know it. I can't tell him.' Thoughts raced through Izuku's 4 year old mind. He finally forced himself to answer the question.

After the explanation was done, Izuku stared at the floor. He was sure that Bakugo would hate him.
"Wow, Izuku, That's really powerful. Your practically invincible now!"
Izuku looked up in suprise.
" don't hate me?"
"No, why would I?"
"Because I'm dangerous,'s a villainous quirk."
Katsuki was stunned at what he saw and heard. His usually cheerful friend was completely different.
"It isn't Izuku. The quirk doesn't define a person. Besides, blowing stuff up isn't really heroic either."
Katsuki let out a small chuckle. Izuku looked up at these words. A small smile appeared on his face. His best friend believed in him and was even complimenting his quirk. The rest of Bakugos usual group came over and asked Katsuki about Izuku's quirk. They, however, did not have the same reaction as Bakugo did.
Katsuki grew angrier as Izuku just shrank. He knew that this would happen. He knew they wouldn't accept him. One of the kids charged at him, arm outstretched, about to attack Izuku. Before Bakugo could step in, a dead gull fell from the sky, it's beak impaling the attacker's arm. Everyone else began to scream and run, calling him a Villain.

His mother was called into the school and told about what happened. The school said that they do not blame Izuku for the incident, and the other child's parents decided not to press charges against the young boy.

As Inko drove Izuku home, she was silent, Izuku was still crying. After a pretty lengthy drive, they arrive at a large forest. Izuku, confused, looked around. He saw giant trees, a river and a largish log cabin in the distance. He looked back at his mum, trying to figure out what was happening. As he turns around he sees a sight that would stay with him for the rest of his life. His mother was back in the car and started to drive away. Izuku was left alone. All alone. The "Heroes" had left him to suffer. His own mother had abandoned him in a random forest to fend for himself.
"Fine" Izuku spat out these word like they were poisoned. "You want to be the hero? Then I'll gladly play along. "

Timeskip sponsored by King Crimson

Izuku was now 16. For the last 10 years he had been training his physical fitness and strength. He had honed his quirk to the point that he could choose when to have the Flow of Calamity active. The first two years were spent setting up a method for his survival in this forest, which he had learned was called the "Beasts Forest".

The log cabin he saw when he first arrived remained unexplored by our green-haired protagonist. He had considered approaching the building but had decided against it. He knew that people where over there, and that was exactly the reason for his hesitance. If these people were anything like the people he once knew, then there would only be a limited number of outcomes, none good. He had also seen buses full of teens coming and going at a similar time each year, multiple years in a row. So, he had decided to stay away.

He had found a cave in the side of a mountain, and taken up residence there. Often, a small boy would sit on the area outside Izuku's cave. The child never went into the cave due to a multitude of noises that caused him to be too afraid to enter. These Noises were Izuku training. For food, Izuku had to resort to feeding on the animals of the forest. He didn't like killing them, they had done nothing wrong, but it was necessary. Most of the time, he waited for something to attack him and let the Flow of Calamity take it's course. For water, he would boil some of the water from the large river and drink that. Not the most sanitary but it worked.

He had a deep hatred for heroes. They had done nothing for him when he needed it, why would he appreciate them. There was, however, one exception, Eraserhead. Shota Aizawa had a record of being the most compassionate hero. He never abandoned anyone who needed help. If someone experienced injustice, he was the first to try to rectify it. Unfortunately, he was not very well known. He tried to keep away from public life. He rarely gave interviews, the only ones Izuku could remember were press conferences after large cases.

However, one hero could not help everyone. And Izuku was one of the unfortunate ones.

A search for the missing child had been conducted, yet yielded no results. Katsuki Bakugo was lost without his best friend. He had become distant, angrier. On multiple occasions other people had told him to "get over that villain" but that just pissed him off more. Izuku had always been like a brother to Katsuki. He had a small reputation for being particularly hostile towards those with negative views of people based on their quirks. He was known for protecting his weaker classmates from such people. 

In Izukus view, his life had gotten better. No-one harrassed him for things he couldn't control, he had a steady supply of nutrition, more freedom than he knew what to do with as well as an ability that guarranteed his safety. Life was better for Izuku than ever before.

The UA entrance exams came and went. Izuku didn't bother turning up, why would he? Bakugo was dissapointed at this, he had hoped that his childhood friend would resurface at the prestigious hero school, the same one they both dreamed of attending.

The weeks dragged on. For Izuku, it was no different. For Katsuki Bakugo it was difficult. The stress of his missing childhood friend weighed heavily upon him. He was one of the strongest of the first years, but had lost his trademark cocky attitude. Some of his classmates had tried to approach him about his seclusion and unwillingness to talk to other people. But he had just gotten angry at them and told them to shut up. His sense of trust had been severly damaged by the fate of his brother figure. Izuku was tormented relentlessly for something he was born with and couldn't regulate. And now he was missing, and presumed dead. Who's to say that these people weren't the same as those who all but tortured his childhood best friend. It is safe to say that Katsuki would have a hard time trusting anyone anytime soon.

It was announced that class 1a would be visiting the Unforseen Simulation Joint or USJ for rescue training with the Space Hero: Thirteen. Bakugo couldn't care less. He blamed himself for the assumed death of Izuku Midoriya. He thought himself unworthy of being a rescue hero, if he couldn't save his own best friend. But he had sworn to become a hero no matter what, so he pushed those thoughts aside.

The Wonder of IzukuOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz