of friends and foes

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We eventually make it back to the warmth of the castle's walls and we split to get into dry clothes.

The rest of the day, I wish I could say I did some work, or was productive but I couldn't stop thinking back over the whole day, my mind lured time and time to that one moment in the rain.

I don't know when I do fall asleep in my covers to the light patter of raindrops.

The next day when I come out of my room, I think to find Bea, just to see how things are with her and Caelan now.

She tells me she's in the garden but with the wedding planner so I decide to wander the castle's grounds a bit.

I come to a lush area, a hidden haven amidst greenery.

Two canopy chairs stretch out in front of vibrant hedges. On one of them is Ross.

"Hey," I say and sit next to him.

"Hey," he smiles happily.

I'm glad he's back to his self. I take the chance to inspect his face. The bruises have darkened but started to heal.

He seems to discern what I'm doing and a frown shrouds the joy.

"Do you think I'm a dimwit, Amera?"

Taken aback, I struggle to answer. "Why would you ask that?"

He looks off in the trees. "I feel that way sometimes. I feel like I corrupted Bea's sister."

I don't know how to comfort him. Because he shouldn't have kissed her back truly. I sigh and swing an arm around his shoulders. "Unless you're a sociopath and putting on a good show, you didn't know. Don't beat yourself up about it."

He nods. "You're really nice. I wish we could have been friends."

"Who says it's too late?"

My phone beeps and I guess it's Bea telling me she's done. I unlock it and get up.

"See you around, Ross."

I walk back to the castle where I meet Bea in the foyer.

Vince comes down the stairs then, looking fresh faced today, in grey tracks. I feel like a girl with a crush when when our gazes lock. Sweaty palms, queasy tummy and that skip in my heart beat. All present and reporting for duty.

He sniffles and Bea angles back to look at him. "Where'd you get a cold?"

Playfully his eyes catch mine and he leaves us.

Bea hugs me then and I settle into the soft embrace.

"How have you been?"

"How have you?" I retort. "How's things with Caelan now? I feel like such a bad friend for not checking before now."

She waves me off. "We're fine. It was just a hectic day for us all. I'm just surprised he went off on Ross to be honest."

"I guess he doesn't give everyone the benefit of the doubt."

Bea smiles thoughtfully. "Many times we don't believe some people capable of predatory behaviour. Caelan's such that if you accused a monk of harassment, he'd be ready to believe you."

"Okay, I'd have killed for a friend like him in school, when Mr. Collins tried to touch me."

She nods, a silent memory to the teacher everyone had liked who'd tried to grope me. "Such a creep."

"Did they patch up?"

Bea nods. "Vic swears she started it, plus Ross, bless him is so oblivious."

She hoists her purse on her shoulder. "I've got to get on a call. Do you want to go into town tomorrow?" Bea asks.

"Of course."

She walks off and I'm left alone for a second until a voice speaks.


I turn around and there the built English man stands, a friendly smile waiting on his face.

"Where have you been?" Tavin asks jovially.

"Around," I say, my mind wrestling with what Vince said about Romy's intentions.

"Did you get my texts?"

I look down away from his eager eyes, feeling horrid about what I did. I did get them, but I'd debated replying and just didn't.

"Tavin, I can't—" My mouth parts and closes, my brain unable to find the kindest way to tell him nothing can happen between us.

I'm filled with a sickening gratitude and relief when his smile drops. All this for that Romy. I wonder if Vince is right at all, after all, Romy met Tavin only here at the castle as far as I know. But Vince has always been close to she and Roselyn to some extent because of Bea. And if it's true, I don't want to be in the way.

"Nothing can happen between us. I'm not in that headspace right now."

He nods slowly, pressing his lips. "Did something happen? You seemed into me," he says with a nervous laugh.

"I just think I should be on my own right now," I bite on my lip. "But you're a great guy, in fact, if you look close to home, you'll see some others who think so."

He quirks a brow. "And you're sure it's not because of someone else?"

I can't help laughing, even though my mind flashes to Vince. I frown to myself. There's nothing between me and Vince. He's just been friendly lately and we've enjoyed some moments.

"I'm sure."

He nods and pulls at his lower lip with his teeth. "I'm still available as your friend while we're here. I've enjoyed getting to know you, no matter how little."

I smile at how gracious he is. I hope he does connect with Romy. He's absolutely guileless.

"Me too."

He smiles softly and I take that as my cue to leave. I exhale and head for the stairs, glad it's been resolved so well. Maybe everything in this castle doesn't have to be so complicated.

At the top, I press my hands to the banister, my feet to the hallway of the stretch of our rooms when I stop. I almost run back but sheer curiosity makes me watch, a piercing pain in my chest.

Roselyn, with a smile, presses her hands to Vince's shoulders through his doorway. An acquiescing smile lifts his lips as he lets her in and shuts the door behind him.

I don't know when I turn and sit on the steps, unable to move.

Has he been talking to her all this time? While he made nice?

Does Roselyn need to scheme at all when he's so willing to let her close? My throat is hoarse, raw with betrayal. Of all people, it had to be her, the one person who's cruel to me.

I bite on my lip. Why am I upset they're cozying up? The most we are is friends, clearly. And the newest player in all of this is me. How do I compare to their history? History I don't even know how deep.

I get up before they open the door and see me sitting here with my heart on the floor. I thought him ignoring me was bad, but getting to know him put me in such a worse state.

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