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A/n~ Hi all! Extra long chapter for you guys because i think you all deserve it. 

"If you focus on the hurt , you will continue to suffer. If you focus on the lesson you will continue to grow" Just a little quote there for y'all. ❤️❤️

Trigger warning~Abuse

Y/n's POV

Camilo stayed with me last night until we heard Mr. Hale leaves. Throughout the whole time he held me close to his chest, singing sweet lullabies in my ear. He climbed out my window and gave me a wink before he disappeared. A part of me felt empty but I was glad he was back in my life. I sighed as I looked at the clock, it read t 4:30. I didn't bother getting back into bed. I pulled on some clothes and began cleaning the house. Ms. Hale came down and gave me a glare.

"What?" I asked. She walked over to where I was cleaning and pointed to a spot.

"You missed a spot, I'm not afraid to make you do it all over again"

"If you're so insistent on me doing it right, why don't you just do it yourself" Before i could stop myself the words fell from my mouth. A swift movement of her hand and i was on the floor with a burning at my cheek. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes. But just as i was beginning to get up the front door opened and revealed the horrible figure of Mr. Hale.

"I was coming back to grab something and this is what I saw!?" He said, standing over me. His boot collided with my ribs and my body recoiled at the pain. I curled up in a ball as he continued to beat my ribs with his boots. He then delivered a punch to my temple, making my head spin. A metallic taste flooded my mouth and I guessed that I had bitten my lip. Eventually i heard Mrs. Hale speak,

"That's enough. Get on to work". My body finally relaxed a little. The door slammed and Mrs. Hale dragged me up from the floor.

"Go get cleaned up" she ordered, pointing to the bathroom. I limped over to the bathroom and locked the door. Finally the tears were set free. I lowered my bruised body down onto the cold tile and willed myself to stop crying. After a few minutes I pulled myself up from the floor and looked at the reflection of the mirror. I could have fainted at the ghastly sight of myself. Blood spilled down from the side of my head where there was an indent of the ring that he wears. There was dirt covering my shirt, probably from the mud on his boots. I winced at the burning pain in my ribs. Some of them were most likely broken. I hurried up by splashing cold water on my face. I washed the blood off my face and put some ointment on the mark. I changed my shirt and that was all I could do. I made my way downstairs and a mop was shoved into my hands.

"Clean up your mess" She snapped at me, pointing to smudges of blood on the floor. I hung my head and got to work, not daring to say anything. There was a knock on the door, startling both of us.

"Who is that this early?" Mrs. Hale asked. Probably speaking to herself. She hurried off to answer the door. I peaked around the corner and saw Camilo standing at the door.

"Y/n's due back to the city, to see her friend" Camilo spoke through gritted teeth. Mrs. Hale forced a smile.

"I don't think that's a good idea," She said.

"Why not?" Camilo asked, letting himself lean against the door frame. Mrs. Hale forced her small pink lips into a forced smile.

"I'll just miss her too much," She said.

"It's fine, she'll be back in about two weeks" Camilo said like it was nothing.

"Are you keeping her from going for no reason?" He asked. Mrs. Hale chuckled.

"Of course not! Y/n? Do you need help packing your things?" She asked, hinting that she wanted to talk to me. I acted like I didn't pick up on any of the signals because I just shrugged and said.

"Its fine, i have clothes at Casita" Mrs. Hale smiled tightly at both of us.

"Ok, well have fun!" She called as Camilo wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me out of the house.

Once we were out of eye sight of the house I collapsed into Camilo and he gently lowered me down onto a patch of grass.

"Are you okay?" He asked, brushing some hair off of my forehead. I smiled at him and nodded.

"It's just my ribs"

"Did they hurt you?"

"I fell down the stairs" I lied. Camilo raised an eyebrow.

"Yes" I sighed. Camilo huffed and sat back on the grass beside me.

"This isn't good," Camilo sighed. I nodded my head. Not wanting to talk about it. Tear's rimmed my eyes even thinking of it.

"Hey, look at me," Camilo told me. I turned my head to look at him. A tear slipped from my eye and rolled down my cheek. I sighed and wiped away the tears, frustrated.

"It's okay. Just breathe. I care and I'm going to do everything in my power to get you away from there" Camilo wiped away the tear with his thumb and pressed a small, soft kiss where the tear used to be. Camilo grabbed my hand that was laying down in between us and intertwined our fingers. I sighed and squeezed his hand. Eventually we got up and Camilo helped me back to Casita. We were alone because the Madrigals were working around Encanto. Camilo placed a big plate of Julieta's food in front of me. I quickly scarfed it down. I was hungry, seeing that I have only been eating bread and water for the past week. Of course the small cuts and bruises disappeared but the pain in my ribs was still screaming. Camilo gave me an ice pack and I gratefully placed it on my sore ribs. Camilo then placed a hand on my hip and practically carried me upstairs. He took me into his room and helped me lay down on his bed. He gently placed blankets over my body.

"Do you want another blanket?" He asked, looking towards the closet in his room. I nodded slightly, still feeling cold. Camilo walked over to the closet pulling out a yellow, fuzzy blanket. As he pulled the blanket over me and began to leave I reached out for him.

"Please lay with me. Just till I fall asleep" I pleaded. Camilo shot me a smile and climbed in next to me. He pulled me close to his chest and began gently stroking my hair.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray-" Camilo began gently singing. And finally I fell asleep without being scared. Little did I know that I was going to be pleading for my life in two weeks time.

What If I Fall?~Sequel to Camilo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now