Part 2/Chapter 7: The Villainous Time Patroller

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           Two weeks had passed since everyone parted ways to begin their training sessions to get new transformations. The Supreme Kai of Time has brought everyone together to have a little celebration. Everyone was there, the Chrono Squad and even the old Time Patrollers. Well, almost everyone was there. They were still missing Evolution and Eva, who were just finishing their training sessions. While everyone was chatting about, Trunks came to the Time Nest to warn everyone. There were some reports from other Time Patrollers about a moving Time Rift portal. And it was making it's way to the Time Nest. And just as Trunks spoke, a small purple orb came through the gateway to the Time Nest, where everyone was present. Deikon, Olera, Q-Ra and Temore told the others to get back, as they needed to inspect the Time Rift, it's what they used to do back then. Just as they were getting close, the Time Rift grew bigger. Then, someone flew out of the Time Rift.

           A man a brown ponytail and purple eyes, wearing a black jacket with a red cape bearing the Capsule Corp logo appeared in front of everyone. The mysterious man looked around the place, and knew where he was, he was where the Time Patrol was, and he was out for blood. Kamikaziko asked who he was, and Rika asked where did he come from and what does he want. The man started to fly down in front of everyone, and started to introduce himself. The man's name was Kuju, and he said that he comes from an alternate timeline. Kuju told everyone that in his timeline, he was a Time Patroller, just like them, but he was different. When Demigra came to attack his version of Toki Toki City, he let Demigra win. He then went against the Time Patrol and killed the Supreme Kai of Time and took her power. He became loyal to Demigra for a while, until Kuju gained enough power to kill him too. With that, he became...The Villainous Time Patroller, a simple Earthling with the powers of a God.

           Kuju for a while has been going through multiple timelines, looking to pass on his will to others who will join his cause, and simply rule over all of time and space, and destroy anyone that gets in there way. Comet told Kuju that they simply won't let him do such a thing. Comet and Kuju's suddenly locked onto each other, and then Kuju dashed towards Comet to try and take him out. But then,luckily for Comet, Temore hit Kuju away just in time. Kuju then started to get up and began to laugh, his laugh had a strange affect to those on the Chrono Squad, but not to the old Time Patrollers. Regardless of that, everyone began to power up. Deikon turned Super Saiyan. Pikoro became Giant while Rika and Riko called the Flying Nimbus. Bomba and Kamikaziko both used Purification. Olera did the same having recently obtaining the form with Kamikaziko and Bomba. And then Temore and Comet both turned Golden. It was the Time Patrol, against The Villainous Time Patroller, and only time could tell who will come out on top.

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