Part 3/Chapter 8: Chrono Squad VS. Rift Slayers

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           Each fight at the Time Miniatures began and were over in such a short amount of time. The first fight that began was Neron vs. Riko and Rika. Neron prepared himself by summoning his sword, and creating a large key blade in his other hand. Rika and Riko were going to use their blades, but they decided to do something else. They began to use a move they've been mastering, called Burning Sun. This move would enhance their speed and strength. Neron began a war cry and flew towards the siblings   ki needles from his ki blade. Rika and Riko ended up blocking and deflecting the needles. This gave Neron a shocked look on his face, while turning into an evil smile yet again. He then began to move faster while fighting the siblings. Rika then managed to knock away Neron's sword. And with that, Neron made another ki blade from his hand. The siblings used a combo where Rika held onto Riko's arm while spinning him around to keep Neron at bay. She then tossed Riko into the air, this caused Neron to get distracted. Rika used this opportunity to put a Neron in a quick hold before Riko came back down with a flying kick to the stomach. Rika and Riko used one of their most powerful attacks. Rika used Divine Purification, a large fire orb. And Riko used Prominence Flash, a more fiery version of Vegeta's signature attack, the Final Flash. The combination of these ultimate moves together, resulted in the death of Neron, again.

           The next fight was Zana vs. Eva and Pikoro. Eva turned Super Saiyan God while Pikoro went Giant. Zana tried using a powerful shout to stun the two, but Eva zoomed straight to her and gut punched her. Pikoro then tried to attack Zana while he had the chance, but Zana jumped onto Pikoro's arm and ran on it with Eva following her. Zana and Eva began clashing on Pikoro's arm. After only a few seconds, Pikoro then slams his hand on the arm that Zana and Eva were fighting on. Eva dashed out of the way, but Zana was hit. Zana let out a very angry yell, and flew up above Pikoro, and used the move Dead End Rain. This move uses ki blast in a downward form against whoever is under the person doing the move. While Zana was shooting the blast, Pikoro made a barrier from a long roar, giving Eva the opportunity to throw a ki blast that curves to the side and throws Zana off balance. Then right as Zana was getting her balance back, Pikoro stretched his arm and grabbed her out of the air. He then threw her to the ground, and began to land on the ground. Pikoro landed right onto Zana while being Giant, crushing her. Zana, dead.

           The next fight was Vex vs. Kamikaziko and Bomba. Kamikaziko started the fight off by tossing a bunch of explosive ki orbs at Vex. But it was no use as Vex was deflecting each orb that was thrown. Vex then used a ki wave at Kamikaziko, but Kamikaziko used the Purification form at the perfect time to dodge the attack by stretching all around the attack. Just after Kamikaziko dodged the attack, Vex surprisingly followed up the attack with a huge volley of ki blasts that were homing in on Kamikaziko. This attack was Dodoria Launcher, a big ki wave that follows up with smaller and weaker ki blasts. Bomba went right behind Vex to slam him on the head to stop him from throwing out more blasts, and even used Bomber DX, a small but powerful ki wave, to destroy the ki blasts that were going to hit Kamikaziko. The two Majins then had a plan, and put it into action right away. Bomba went into the Purification form, and Kamikaziko and her stretched themselves around Vex, putting him into a painful hold. And then, the two began charging up, while Vex actually begins to cry out for help from the other Rift Slayers And then, they explode, killing Vex in the act, and because they were Majins, their bodies were back within seconds. 

           The next fight before Evolution's fight with Kuju was Coup vs. Comet. Coup tried to attack Comet, but Comet was really just too fast for Coup to even touch. At one point, Comet even gave a little chuckle seeing Coup try to get a hit on him. Coup then started to get a lot more angry than the other Slayers, dashing towards Comet way before Comet could even react. Coup landed a rush of hard hitting attacks on Comet, gaining the upper hand and ended up having Comet on the ground. Coup began stomping on Comet without giving him a chance to fight back. Coup then starts to rise up and make a Death Ball to throw onto Comet, but it was already too late for him. Comet quickly got back up and shot a Death Beam at Coup. He then turned Golden and launched an assault of Death Beams on Coup, killing him and filling his whole body with holes from the powerful Death Beams. Those were only the first few fights that went down in a flash, and now the real final battle was about to go down.

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