My mother's encounter with it

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I am Alex. This story happened when I was 10 years old. We used to leave in a very old and shabby building

Before I tell my story, I have to share my mother's experience as it is related to my experience. When it happened I was in my mother's womb. On that fateful day my mother was home alone as my father was in office. Around 11pm my mother came to the kitchen to drink some water when she heard giggling from the window near the kitchen. When she looked out of the window she saw a boy around 5 years old there. She thought he was a boy from the apartment. It was dark outside, so she couldn't figure out who the kid was.

Hey boy, what are you doing here so late? Go back to your house. Your parents are going to be worried." She said to the boy.

He stopped giggling and didn't say anything . My mother wasn't ready to see what happened next. The boy started changing shape and started getting taller. When his face came near the window, my mom saw that it had no hair, its face was totally red and eyes and mouth were completely black out and it started laughing hysterically looking at my mom.

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