Play Ground

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It was a gloomy day as it was raining on and off. I always play with my friends in the playground in front of our house after coming from school, but that day no one was coming. I was in the swing by myself.

“Can I play with you?” Asked a boy. He was around my age; he was dressed in all black; he looked really pale, as if there was no blood in his body.

“Yes, sure I am Alex, what's your name?” I asked

I am Liam
Liam was a little weird, but I enjoyed playing with him.

What are you wearing, he asked, pointing to my chain.

It is an emulate; it keeps bad spirits away from me.

He he he really

I don't know. My grandmother told me never to take it off or else bad spirits would do harm.

You are afraid of spirits dummy. You were such a coward, he he he.

I am not a coward

So take it off

I can't, I promise my grandma

Coward coward Alex is a coward

It took the amulet off and showed it to him “look, I took it off. I am not a coward”

Wow, you actually took it off, you are really brave.

I didn't want to play anymore; he was a really rude boy.

It's late, I should be going now, I said
Okay Alex take care

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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