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When my father came back home he opened the door with spare he. As he taught, my mother was sleeping and he didn't want to disturb her. When he opened the door, he saw my mom lying on the floor. He rushed her to the hospital. Fortunately, my mother was ok. After that incident, my grandma came to stay with my mom. 

My grandma told me after I was born I used to look at a specific place and laugh as if someone was there playing with me. At first it didn't bother them. They thought it was normal as I was just a toddler.  "But soon we realized we were wrong."Said my grandma"One day when you were just eight months old, I saw you floating in the air. I screamed and your mother came and saw it too."

My grandma thought it was bad spirit so she told my father to change the house. But it was not possible, as we were not financially stable and my father didn't believe in paranormal activity and shrugged it off. So my grandma arranged an amulet for me. It was likely a chain with a locket and made me wear it. 

"Never take the amulet off , no matter what." Said my grandma. After I wore the amulet, everything was normal. There was no paranormal incident for a long time. My grandma was very loving. Unfortunately, she passed away when I was nine.

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