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Men are scums! Most women says and women are gold diggers! Most men says. Are you familiar with these gender insults hurled, one to another by men and women. "Am the man! Watch your tongue when speaking to me woman!". The response goes "We are equal partners here! You're not the boss!" Followed by the dreaded statement we hear on daily basis now "Am a feminist! I know my rights!" Mmm..... how i hate to hear that statement! With due respect sisters,  no offense meant to you all hardworking women.

These words eh, with these words we hurt one another day by day and with these words we judge God unfaithful because in His word, Genesis 1: 31(Amp)

   "God saw everything that He has
     Made, and behold it was very
     good. He validated it completely."

Take note of the word validated and completely. If He did, then it should work, in fact it must and will work! If given a chance. God cannot lie and does not lie so His words never fails i.e it's impossible to fail. Romans 3:4

    "Let all men remain liars but God

Man cannot judge God but i have come to declare Him faithful by all standards that marriage is one of the best thing that ever happened to humanity and should work, if people concerned would take responsibility by God's Word, to make it work period!

All these husbands blaming wives and wives blaming husbands should stop! It's not a child's game. It's meant for two adults male and female please Genesis 5:2

   "Male and female made He them"

Oh! Adaezeadina how do you know the two adults you talk of can't be male and male or female and female even human and animal? Can any of those mentioned above reproduce naturally to replenish the earth as God commanded? Never! It an abomination! If you find yourself in any of those categories please seek help from God for that demon to be casted out! Do not be deceived by tales of the evil one that you were born that way. You are not! God's word is still the highest authority and order in the world today because He God formed and founded the world we see and as every rule book of every manufacturer for a product, points out 'Dos and Donts' called the manual, that is how it is with the world. God is the manufacturer of every living thing and the world today! Take it or leave it, it doesn't change a thing or the person of God. You will only wake up after death to find out you believed wrong and cheated yourselves.

Why can't laptops and phones be charged any other ways except for how a manufacturer guides in a rule book, i.e manual of operation. Why can't cars ride in the air or clouds but roads?! Be wise God made us in His image and that should help you outsmart the devil, who has lost his place and is doing overtime to drag humanity where God didn't prepare for them. Please! Be smarter than the devil and put him in his place.

Like i was saying, two adults matured enough to take responsibilities by the good book (The bible) which is the true manual for marriage, ordained by God's Word to make it work. Once a boy clocks the age of puberty, he can pregnant a female who must have started seeing her periods to mark the age of fertility maturity but this does not in any sense mean they are both ready for marriage or marital responsibilities. Marriage is hard work and maturity isn't based on the readiness of the physical body. Maturity is deeper than that!

Jesus said "Whosoever is without sin cast the first stone." John 8:7

Pratically speaking the husband that is without a sin cast the first stone, likewise the wife that is without a sin cast the first stone. Is it possible in the first place? None is perfect let's establish that.

       "Mariage is good and the bed undefiled." Hebrew 13:4

Who are we to condemn what God calls good the author of marriage Himself. If He says it's good then it's got to be!

It's saddening that many failed marriages have produced failed homes where i stand to be corrected, children who became nuisance to society grew from. Why wouldn't the leaders fail the led in such homes, where foundations weren't properly designed to make the home a conducive abode where character molding and conduct is constantly supervised. It goes on for long then the society remains in constant ruins and never subdued. God help us!

These days even children blame their parents for their failures, instead of rising up to do better, they let their parents' mistakes repeat over again in their lives. No one is willing to take responsibility but the blame game.

Friends Myles Munroe of blessed memory said "The problem around you, is the one you were born to find a solution for". I would also be sharing mistakes my husband and i made for purposes of education and learning and how genuine we have been in telling each other truth about ourselves, accepting them, teachings and adjustments that has helped us in marriage. None is perfect, not you, not i but we all can help each other through life and it will be better.

'Experience' some say is the best teacher someother says no, it's not. I don't think it is either, but it would have helped, if there was a 'do over' for life. I certainly would have loved to do alot of things differently. No 'do overs!' meaning learn from other people's mistakes and make a wise choice by getting it right the first time!


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