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Untamed emotions are really weighty and too deep to wrap up in one chapter. Let's educate ourselves with one more chapter of it please... Thank you!

Let's consider the life of Samson. Judges chapter 16:1-31 you can read it please for better understanding but for the sake of what we will discuss in this chapter lets for reference base our reading from verses 5,15,16 and 17.

5. And the lords of philistines came to her (Delilah) and said unto her, entice him, and see wherein his great strength lieth, and by what means we may prevail against him, and we will give thee everyone of us eleven hundred pieces of gold.

15. And she (Delilah) said unto him(Samson) how canst thou say, i love thee, when thine heart is not with me? Thou hast mocked me, these three times, and hast not told me wherein thy great strength lieth.

16. And it came to pass, when she pressed him daily with her words, and urged him, so that his soul was vexed unto death.

17. That he told her all his heart, there hath not come a razor upon mine head, for i have been a nazarite unto God from my mother's womb, Of i be shaven, then my strength will go from me, ans i shall become weak, and be like any other man.

What do you think happens when you give your secret away to your enemy? We can read the rest. Samson couldn't honour a secret between him and his God so his assignment ended shortly.
Uncontrolled emotions sold Samson off to Delilah, despite knowing that she didn't mean well for him, by persistently querying the source of his strength. She even tried capturing Samson with the philistines over trial and error with the previous answers Samson untruthfully gave her, yet Samson out of these untamed emotions, tiresome of Delilah's taunts, in a moment of anger and weakness, sold himself so cheaply to his foe, caged in his unmanaged emotions. may God help us all with wisdom to understand with a knowing that what you don't finish off can finish you!

These devaluing unsolved emotions is what makes people fall for all manner of perversions today! Isn't it strange and ironic that in the animal world, they still understand that, "male and female" made He them. The word "order" is still understood in their domain. They do not defy God as the stubborn humans. Indeed the heart of man who can understand it for it is desperately wicked. We see men wanting to be women and women wanting to be men. This is disorder period! Man is created to delight himself or herself in the Lord God not to defy Him. You can do nothing against the truth but for the truth. Nothing We do affects God, it can displease Him but not affect him. He has achieved a lot, by owning the world He created so what have you and i achieved that is making us so adamant and head strong against the owner of the heavens and earth. Why do we repel His love with disobedience? Nothing changes the person of God, forever He is God, and stands by His word! When we obey, it's for our betterment.

People devalue themselves, when they don't follow order. Simply adhere, it pays. Truth be told, we disrupt and upset a lot of things when we lack order. Order keeps us organised and organisation saves a lot of stress and time. Someone put us here and is incharge, He arranged the universe so there is no need for unnecessary headaches or heart breaks. Just as the sky can't become the ground and the ground sky that we walk on, neither will the moon appear in the day suddenly and sun at night, ( please ponder for a while about it)

Why haven't we heard that Jesus rebelled against God or that the Holy Ghost is against Father God and Jesus. Why don't they have power tussles? Order and co operation! No collisions for ages and am sure even for ages to come. Yet we are made in God's image. Why can't we strive to be more like Him than giving the devil the loopholes he needs to take what God has given man which by the way, the devil had his but didn't keep it because he just wasn't satisfied and wanted more.

Why do wives seek to take their husbands' place in leadership and husbands wives' place, thereby leading to them being in loggerheads, embarrassing  themselves before their children. Have we noticed that God made man, Jesus came as salvation and redemption, the Holy Spirit of promise came after Christ as a seal on our salvation and redemption, to help us achieve our heavenly race. What i see here is division of labour which is one of our topics later in this book, so let's wait for it, but really ponder on these things. Three personalities in one person yet with father God as 'God head forever!' God never opposes Himself but man opposes himself Not with humans! Wife wants to overthrow husband and husband wife, commotions in our world yet we are made in God's image but refuses to learn from the master of order Himself! Hmmmm stop and really ponder.

People today for social media clouts do a lot of stupid things and you wonder where is their common sense dear God! Popularity and relevance that won't give them status in heaven!
They support nonsense. Do people remember that one day we must live earth? Fame is not same as influence or relevance get a grip of yourselves and fear God! Behave! Stop this devaluing of self worth! What will it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his soul! Please do yourself a favour, start reading God's word the bible, to improve yourself. Study Romans 1:27-32 no place in our world for misbehaviour.

Wrapping up, untamed emotions are really dangerous if neglected.
Remember moses he walked with God and worked hard but didn't get into what he worked hard for i.e Canaan land because of untamed emotions, he displeased God when the people pushed and pressed him hard. God help us! Because people will push us that hard, situations will pressure us hard, challenges will press us hard and trust me the devil will definitely take advantage of any of these or all of these to frustrate and corner us but in them all we are more than conqueror halleluyah! Say to yourself it is well!

I doubt if we can finish talking of untamed emotions without mentioning David, the one with a perfect heart. People can sometimes be very vain in their thinking. It can all start from a thought and when fed, nurtured and nourished, it grows bigger, positive or negative, pending on what it is you're thinking if it adds to you or takes from you can birth goodness or sin. It begins to play a fast one on your emotions and you may looks for ways to excuse them, whereas you are allowing it get a grip on you and it won't end well, if they are in path of negative emotions.

David on the days that kings were Waring, went to his balcony and his eyes caught what he wasn't suppose to see, if he had been at war, leading his army the way other kings did but he sent Joab his commander to be incharge of his army instead. May we never be at a right place but at a wrong time in Jesus name! Don't underestimate the power of right timing! David saw Bathsheba, Uriah's wife (Read 2 Samuel 11: 1-24) taking a bath, then the lust of the eyes occured, the lust of the flesh happened when he sent for her and slept with her, followed by the pride of life when he felt as a king, Uriah's life was in his hands when he is not God! Never play God people that position can't be handled by any other except God almighty Himself!

Bathsheba conceived and was with a child. The funniest and most annoying thing was, for him to bring Uriah home from battle, forcing him to go home eat, drink and lie with his wife, i believe he intended to get him to sleep with the wife so there wouldn't be any misconception about who Bathsheba was pregnant for. Uriah understood his assignment more very well when he told David i can't go home, not when the ark of God, my commander and and the army of Israel are out there in the battle field just to eat, drink and lay with my wife? I believe that answer challenged David who wasn't in his place of assignment. So he sent this man back to the battle field with a letter of his own 'death sentence' how wicked! Just to have his wife? We must walk away from desperations of untamed and unwanted emotions! In fact run away from it if you have to like Joseph did with Potiphar's wife, R.U.N! I say.

Truth be told if we were in their shoes perhaps we would have done worse maybe, but guess what? We can learn well from these mistakes and mishaps inorder to be and do better, God helping us in Christ, through the ministry and office of the Holy Ghost i pray!

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