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Two weeks later

Being a mom can be hard sometimes, but it can also be rewarding. Seeing our son right now, sleeping peacefully in his crib brings tears to my eyes. Happy tears.

Noong nasa ampunan pa ako I always wonder kung anong pakiramdam ng may pamilya. Yung may nanay at tatay na makakasama mo araw-araw. Yung masasabihan mo ng mga bagay na nangyari sayo sa isang araw. But now, I feel complete even if I don't have parents or a family. Because right now, the family that I want, and need is right in front of me.

I have a son who is like his father. A perfect carbon copy of his personality. Ang daya nga.

An arm hugs me from the back and I don't have to guess who it is.

"Let's go to our room." He sleepily kisses my shoulder and deeply inhales my scent. "He's gonna be okay. We have a baby monitor with us." As if he read my mind. I'm really worried because this is the first time our baby gonna sleep in his nursery.

Mula kasi ng manganak ako lagi itong natutulog sa tabi ko. Hindi ako sanay na nahihiwalay ito sakin. Even if Mama and Papa babysit sometimes kapag kailangan ako bilang Luna. And those times I will call Mama every thirty minutes to check on my baby.

Mama said that is normal for us mothers. That she understands kasi ganon din daw siya kay Dominic noon even now that Dominic is already in his early thirties.

"I am just worried. What if he cries then we can't hear it? Or what if someone takes him? Or-" My mate shut me up by pressing his lips on mine.

"Everything is going to be fine. You forgot that I am a werewolf my darling. My sense of hearing is heightened. And I already tightened the security around our territory. We're going to be fine. Trust me." He gave me a loving kiss again then gently pull me out of the room.

"Good night, my heart," I whispered then close the nursery door.

Minutes later both I and my mate are lying on our bed staring at each other. His fingers draw circles on my back.

"I don't know how many times I've said this but how... how did I get lucky to have you as my mate?" His eyes are getting clouded by his unshed tears.

"And I also ask myself that question every day, my love."

I gently place a kiss on his lips that leads to a passionate one and leads to another.

That night we both express our love for each other.


Having a family is fulfilling. A feeling that I never felt when my father passes me the title or when I successfully close a deal.

It's different. A good difference.

Right now, I'm with Marcus and Leo. We are choosing a ring for my mate. Yes, I'm going to propose to her.

I want it to be perfect because I want her to feel especially on that day.  A perfect venue, food, and of course... A perfect ring.

And now, we're already at the fifth store because I can't find the perfect ring that will suit my darling.

"Fuck it," I mumbled then start to look around again.

The rings here are not ugly but also not a beauty. I just want to find the perfect ring for the perfect person.

"Alpha what about this?" Marcus is currently holding a ring that has a big diamond in the center.

I glare at him and raise my middle finger. He laughs at me and then proceeds to find another ring to annoy me.

While Leo is currently looking at some men's bracelets. My brows raised at that. He doesn't like wearing jewelry since he said, "It's got on my way when I shift." What happened to that saying?

I just shook my head and went back to choosing.

An hour later we are in the seventh shop when I finally saw it. It's a rose gold band with a diamond in the center. It's simple yet elegant. I look at the attendant then said.

"I want this."

A few days later

"The flowers? Did the flowers arrive?" I ask Marcus who is decorating the aisle where my mate will be walking on later.

"Yes, Alpha. Leo is currently decorating it in the gazebo."

We are fixing the venue where I will propose to my darling. And of course, I wanted it to be perfect as possible.

Mama and Papa are currently entertaining my mate by bringing her and our son to the mall to buy some baby things. At first, she's confused about why I can't come because ever since I always come with her even if my Mama and Papa are with us. But I just told her that I am needed at the pack house because someone is here for a pack alliance. Which is a lie. And I promise to the Moon goddess that this is the first and last time that I will lie to my mate. It hurts my heart.

A few minutes later we're done and I'm already waiting here in the gazebo.

And there she is. Looking so beautiful in her red dress and her hair is down.

"W-what is this? What's going on?" Her voice is shaking maybe because she is also nervous as I am.

I hold her hand and squeeze it. It's like telling myself that this is real. She is real. She's mine.

"The first time I saw you... I told to myself that I will never let you go. Not this woman. Not because you're my mate but because I fell in love with you the moment I saw you, me, and Storm. Now, am here in front of you asking a very, extremely important question in my life." I kneel in front of her and hold the ring.

"Will you give me the honor to be your husband? Will you marry me?"

She nodded her head will screaming yes again and again. I stood up and hug her then give her a passionate kiss. We broke it off when we hear clapping around us.

We saw Papa and Mama who is holding our son, Marcus, Leo, and the rest of the pack.

I look at my mate again and kiss her.

"I love you future Mrs. Luciano. My mate."

"And I love you, Mr. Luciano. My love."

Cherish by the AlphaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon