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Bonnie dialled Heather's number again. It went straight to voicemail. She hung up and began pacing. She'd been trying to reach Heather for the past half hour. She wanted her to accompany her to the spa the following day. First, Heather's phone kept ringing without an answer. It went straight to voicemail. What was going on? Why couldn't she reach her daughter? Heather was often annoyed with her, but she never ignored her calls for this long. She tried to call Derrick's cellphone but it rang without an answer. She also called Heather's home number and got no answer. Something was definitely wrong. Too bad she didn't have her grandchildren's cell numbers. She started chewing her nails.

"Stop getting yourself worked up," Billy said. "Heather will return your call. She's probably just busy."

Bonnie looked over at her boyfriend Billy. He was sitting on the couch with his feet on the coffee table. He was dressed in a pair of white slacks and white sneakers. His white polo shirt was flung over the arm of the couch. He was also wearing a large gold chain, a gold bracelet and a gold watch. He was tall and slim, with a muscular frame. He had jet black hair and small, slanted eyes. He was half Japanese. He never wore a shirt when he was home. It was a habit he had since childhood. Bonnie didn't mind it one bit. She loved seeing him without his shirt. It made her feel like a swooning young girl.

Billy was twenty six years old, twenty eight years younger than Bonnie. They'd been together for two and a half months. Heather and Derrick didn't approve of the relationship. They thought Billy was using her. Bonnie was a millionaire. Her fifth husband, who'd been very wealthy, died two years ago, leaving half of his money to her. That made her a target for men who wanted a woman to support them. Billy wasn't like that. Sure he was a little rough around the edges, but he had a good heart. He would never use her. He had a bad temper and sometimes said hurtful things to her. He even hit her a few times. But it was because of the way he was brought up. He grew up in the ghetto, so he couldn't help acting the way he did. But she could change him. She wouldn't give up on him.

"How can I not worry?" she asked him. "She's never taken this long to get back to me. Derrick isn't answering his phone either and no one is answering the home phone. I think something happened to her."

Billy got up and walked over to her. "Don't be ridiculous babe," je said. He lifted her chin and gave her a passionate kiss. She loved kissing him. He was a great kisser. But right now, she was too worried about Heather. She pulled away from him.

"I'm worried Billy," she said. "What if something happened to my baby?"

"Babe, Heather is fine. She'll call you back soon. In the meantime, we need to get going. We have a long drive ahead of us to get to the rock concert."

"Are you serious?" Bonnie asked incredulously. "Can't you see that I'm worried sick about my only child?"

Billy looked at her. "Don't you think it's a little too late to be playing the loving mother?"

"I can't believe you just said that. I may not be the mother of the year, but I love my daughter very much."

"I know you do but you're worrying unnecessarily."

"I think I should go over to her house just to make sure she's okay."

"I didn't just hear you right. "Billy walked over to the couch and picked up his shirt, then put it on. He checked his watch. "We need to leave for the concert right now."

"We'll go to the concert after I go to my daughter's house and make sure she's okay."

"So we're going to miss the concert that I've looking forward to for weeks because you're worried about that stuck up witch of a daughter?" he exploded.

Bonnie became furious. "Don't you dare talk about my daughter like that."

"Don't tell me what I can and cannot say. I'll talk about her any way I want."

"Like hell you will!" Not while you're living in my house. You can say whatever you want about me, but when it comes to my family, that's where i draw the line."

He looked at her for a while. He seemed surprised. She'd never talked to him like that before. "I just don't see why I should be worried about her when she's made it very clear that she doesn't like me. She acts as if I'm the scum of the earth."

"She doesn't hate you. She hates your attitude and the way you talk to me. I'm going to her house now to make sure she's alright. Are you coming?"

"Yeah, sure. I don't have much of a choice."

Bonnie picked up her purse on the coffee table, then checked her reflection in the mirror she had put in the living room. He makeup was done flawlessly. Her dyed, low cut blonde hair had streaks of red. She was wearing a black minidress with the front cut low. It hugged her slender body. She also wore a pair of black stilettos. She felt satisfied with what she saw. She then turned and left the house.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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