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"This place is so much fun," Heather said. "We need to come here more often."

"What did I tell you?" Derrick asked with a grin.

"You were right. I should listen to you more often."

"Yes, you should. You work too hard."

"I know honey. We should have come here earlier. You've been telling me for a while."

"I'm glad I was able to get Carmen to convince you."

Carmen giggled. "We women tend to be very persuasive."

"Tell him Carmen," Heather said with a smile. "Women possess great powers of persuasion."

Derrick smiled. "Is that right?"

"You want me to prove how persuasive I can be?" Heather asked.

"Go right ahead," Derrick replied.

She held the back of his neck and pulled his face down towards hers.

He pulled away. "Do you think I'm that easy?" he whispered

"I think you are," she whispered back.

He laughed. "Maybe I am." He kisses her tenderly and she kissed him back.

"You two need to get a room," came Caitlin's voice.

Heather pulled away and looked over at her daughter approaching them, along with her two brothers. "Caitlin," she said.

"Can you two keep the make out session to a minimum until we get home? It's embarrassing."

"You're just jealous," Carter said.

Caitlin shot him a glance. "Shut up."

"Why? The truth hurts?"

"Why would I possibly be jealous?"

"Because you have no one to kiss you like that."

"Guys," Heather interjected. This is not the time or place to argue."

"Mommy and daddy are in love," Parker said.

"That's right little man," Derrick said. "Your parents are in love." He picked up Parker and kissed his cheek. "We also love you very much."

"I love you too daddy," Parker said. He looked over at his mother. "And I love you mommy."

"I love you too baby," Heather said. She pressed a kiss on his cheek.

Heather felt so content. She was at the amusement park with her family and her best friend. She loved them so much. Her family meant the world to her. She considered herself blessed to be surrounded by so much love. Her and Derrick had been married for the past sixteen years. Marrying him was one of the best things she'd ever done. He was what every woman wanted in a man. He was sweet, sensitive, kind and thoughtful. It didn't hurt that he was also easy on the eyes. He was tall and slim with a slightly muscular frame. He had blond hair, blue eyes and the most beautiful teeth. His smile made her knees weak, even after so many years. He was very romantic. They had their disagreements, but their love always won out in the end. He was her rock. She couldn't imagine life without him.

Caitlin was a sweet, vibrant fourteen year old. She was fun and outgoing. But she'd become somewhat rebellious. She reminded Heather so much of herself when she was a teenager. She also looked a lot like Heather. She was slim and had long, black hair and brown eyes. Despite being rebellious, she was a saint compared to Heather at that age. She was a good girl who was a good student and got good grades in school. Her rebellious phase would pass. She was a teenager after all.

Carter was a great son. He was smart, funny and very helpful. But for a twelve year old, he had a smart mouth. He was very good at soccer and basketball. He also took karate lessons, and he had a knack for disassembling things and putting them back together. However, he wasn't as good a student as Caitlin. His grades tended to fluctuate. He got mostly Bs and Cs while his sister was a straight A student. He was capable of doing well, but just needed to focus more on his school work. He was blond with blue eyes.

Parker was the sweetest little six year old boy. He was very active and energetic and Heather and Derrick could hardly keep up with him. He was also very affectionate and regularly showered his parents with hugs and kisses. His siblings adored him. He was just amazing. He also looked a lot like Derrick and Carter. He was slim and had blond hair and blue eyes.

Carmen had been Heather's best friend for the past five years. Heather considered herself lucky to have a friend like her. She was so nice and friendly. She was an amazing friend. She had movie star looks. She was exceptionally beautiful with a mass of thick, shoulder length brown hair. She was tall and thin and had men swooning. However, she was very picky, which was the reason she was still single and childless at age thirty six. It sometimes made Heather feel old to be married with three children, even though she was only two years older than Carmen.

"Caitlin and Carter," Derrick said, interrupting her thoughts. "Did you have fun?"

Both their faces lit up. "Yes," Caitlin replied. This place is awesome dad. I absolutely love it. The Ferris wheel was amazing and the food is to die for."

"I really enjoyed the rollercoaster ride," Carter added. "It was so cool."

"I'm glad you both enjoyed it," Heather said.

"Mom, we have to come back here soon," Caitlin said.

"I agree. We'll plan another trip soon."


"Did you have fun aunt Carmen?" Carter asked.

"Yes Carter," Carmen replied. "I enjoyed it very much."

"Too bad you didn't have a boyfriend to take with you."

"Carter!" Heather scolded.

"What?" Carter asked innocently. "Aunt Carmen doesn't have a boyfriend."

"That's enough Carter," Heather said.

"Carter," Carmen said. "I will find a boyfriend when the time is right."

"Did you have fun little man?" Derrick asked Parker.

"Yes daddy!" Parker replied enthusiastically. "I had a lot of fun. I loved the cotton candy."

Derrick looked over at Caitlin and Carter. "You gave him cotton candy?"

"It wasn't me," Carter said matter-of-factly.

"Thanks a lot Carter," Caitlin said.

"Caitlin, you know Parker shouldn't eat sweets," Heather said.

"I know mom," Caitlin said. "But he wanted it so badly."

"You still shouldn't have given it to him. You know better. Too much makes him hyperactive."

"I know. I heard you the first time. I'm not deaf."

"Caitlin," Derrick said.

"I'm sorry," Caitlin said.

"We should probably get going," Derrick suggested.

"So soon?" Carter protested.

"Your father is right," Heather said. "We've been here for a while. We'll be back very soon."

He smiled. "Cool."

"You guys go to the car. I'm going to use the ladies room. I'll be there soon."

"Okay," Derrick said. He started off towards the car and the children followed behind.

"I'll come with you," Carmen said to Heather.

"Okay," Heather said. They headed towards the bathroom.

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