Frustrations of a Search

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"No, I'm telling you he was no vampire, and definitely started that fire." Kendra said and Bryce backed her story up. While the others saw the flames appear from nowhere they didn't see the man. Nor the creature that ha been there.

"Then he was a fire starter, some psychic human." Riley said, seeing this as a waste of time.

"No way a human moves like he did. We saw him bite into their necks, drinking, and that thing that appeared. I've never seen anything like it." Bryce said. "You should have seen him, he didn't even break a sweat flinging them around, breaking their bones."

"So where would you suggest we start looking for this man?" Came the voice on the phone. They were in a conference call with Biegon and a couple others.

"There were a few fires recorded in other populated areas. The cause was unknown but the fires were no small thing, most of them forming a circle or arc. They were very spread out though over the years and hard to track down." This was a feminine voice over the phone, a Linda Precen. She was in flight heading toward them.

"So what does this mean for us?" Riley asked her. Linda was one of their top researchers who had her face stuck in a pile of papers or a computer screen. She could pick out the most obscure pattern and very rarely be wrong about their connection.

"Well it's something not human obviously. tThese burnings have large years of space between them and over several different countries. Around the same time of course people were saying that they saw a large dragon like creature. Also odd attacks were reported to local authorities. Our obvious mythical community acting up. Shortly after the burnings, no more attacks or they dropped dramatically."

"So what, is he like a vigilantly superhuman?" Kendel asked leaning against the wall. She just kept thinking about this male and that creature.

"I doubt it, he didn't look to be helping out. He burned a huge area with no thought to the humans there. He didn't attack until they came at him, but I don't think he was worried at all." Kendra said.

"So clearly we are dealing with something that knows his own strengths and is confident in them. Hopefully overconfident and that will give us the upper hand." Riley said.

"I want this man found. Linda and a few others will be there shortly. Find out where he or it is staying and then I want recon done to find out what it is, if not before. If he poses a threat we must eliminate it. Seeing that he easily destroyed ten or so vampires without a problem, this thing is dangerous and not our friend." Biegon said. "That being said, there could be other uses for it. Don't forget that a lot of our miracle drugs come from these types."

"Or worst weapons." Lee mumbled at Biegon's talk.

"Figure it out people, and while you are there I want a team to look into any possible other supernatural occurrences. Not to far there was talk of a phoenix and of course the Yeti that Bryce seems fond of." There was a bit of laughter and the call was ended shortly after.

Then started the hard part. Trying to track down a man that they had a rough description of, and even after going through the whole town, not one person could say that they knew anyone that matched the description. The others arrived that evening to join them and they worked solidly though the next week.

They moved locations by week two as they had a hit on the phoenix, but that was chasing a needle in a haystack. Currently, Riley along with a few others were out searching a few shops for the phoenix, and one that had burned down. It seemed that they had had the animal, but no longer. It could have gone anywhere and that was just as hard to find as their mysterious man.

"Okay." Linda said, both Kendra and Lee looking up from the card game that they were playing. "So I think I have it narrowed down to a few possibilities. I've been up going over these sightings and other reports."

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