Vampire 101.

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"Edmund!" A voice shouted glad to see them as they walked in. Warmth radiated into Cole's skin, as he squinted his eyes from the light. Cole was correct, the inside, had a palalace feel to it.  "Your back Early..." Cole now Identified the voice as coming from a man, cooking in a big open kitchen, that took what probably used to be where the supplies for the fighters were stored. In front of that, there were two TVs and each had three couches in front of them, in a U shape. To the left of the kitchen were four massive ten-man tables, to the left of that, in front of them, was a set of stairs. Cole Then picked up on the concern Sam's voice trailed off too.

"Don't worry..." Edmund sighed. "I'll be fine." It seemed like more of a general comment, to the room that it was directed at someone, which was odd cause it was only the three of them. "Kid I'm dead beat..." He lied rubbing the back of his head. "I'm going to lay down, Sam and Zeke will take care of you."

"He is definitely going to love Zeke!" Sam Grinned, at Cole. Edmund rolled his eyes, at Sam as he Climbed the stairs.

A guy walked down the stairs, and Cole presumed it was Zeke. "Well let's have a look at you!" He said taking Cole out of the entrance, and towards the kitchen.

"MOO!" Cole, mooed, irritated Feeling more like livestock than a person. Cole had one inescapable conclusion about vampires, the young ones, were hot! Zeke wasn't as tall as Esplise but was still tall enough to be hot to Cole. He had the most particular blueish- silver-lined eyes, his blond hair looked like woven silk. He had on a tight formfitting Tee shirt, and a black pair of skinny jeans, that looked like a Pair Cole Had. It didn't look like he lived in the gym, which Cole didn't really like anyways, and he didn't look like he should have been in Teen People. He looked like a shy quiet, nerdy guy, from any High School, just like Cole was, a Short quite shy nerdy guy, from some random high school. Cole gathered his thoughts, as a few got, rather heated.... When he noticed Zeke smirking at him.

"Well, at least he has a sense of humor." Sam chuckled, "Zeke, let the boy go!" Zeke chuckled and let him go. "How about some soup?" Sam asked, Cole nodded, he was starving and soup sounded perfect. "That always seems to settle you, rookies, down." He got a bowl and handed it to Cole.

"Vampires one 0 one!" Zeke said. "From the blush, I can tell you've already fed, that's good...' Zeke nodded. "It's important for the first few times, you take it easy." Zeke nodded. "Otherwise you might end up with the craze, like Edmund tonight."

"The craze?" Cole felt the back of his throat welt up, whatever it was, it didn't sound good, but he didn't notice anything off about Edmund either.

"When we feed too much, it can go to our heads, we can get too into it, and we can lose control..." Zeke added.

"And Edmund, will he Be ok?" Cole asked sheepishly.

"Oh yes." Sam Said, resting his hand on Cole's. "It's not common, by human standards, but in vampire terms.." He paused. "This ain't the first time, and God willing not the last." Cole cocked his head. "Please!" Sam chuckled. "We didn't sell our souls to the devil, and at some point I found Jesus"

"I'm a Buddhist!" Zeke nodded. 

"And Edmund is A Toaist' Sam added for good measure. "I think we all find, that having something other than ourselves to believe in, keeps us grounded enough not to let our powers go to our heads." Zeke eyed, SAm irritated. "Sorry I digress. I do that a lot!"

"Ok, now don't worry about overfeeding, as long as you feed with the group, we will help you with it," Zeke said. "We do though have 5 laws you need to follow. "First! you died tonight, and were reborn." He said gently. "You have to leave your old life behind." partially sensing his desire to say goodbye to his parents, partially, because it was too much for anyone to handle next to, rest his hand on Cole's. It was still warm because he had fed, and so soft, so delicate to his by comparison. . "I am so sorry."

Lineage (Rewrite)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora