New Toys.

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"Leaving the House during the day..." Zeke started, dragging Cole to a tucked-a-way area behind the stairs. "...Require sunscreen, unless it's raining or snowing." He corrected with a nod. They both glanced out the window, seeing the weather was neither of the two. 

"So we don't catch fire in the sun?" Cole asked as Zeke sprayed him down.

"Nope!" He chuckled handing the sunblock to Cole. "That's only in Holy wood, it does though feel like the worst sunburn of your life, and this helps!" He said.

"Come on kiddos!" Madisen hollard at them. "Auntie Madisen Is ready to go!" The two glanced at each other, and then glared at her. 

"I am one hundred and ninety years older than you!" Zeke grumbled as they caught up to her. 

"Yea but that's in there..." Madsen pointed to the house. "...Out here Antie is taking her nephews computer shopping!"

"You must forgive her!" Sam said hopping in the passager seat, as Zeke and Cole hopped in the back. "Madisen taught high school, and wants kids of her own."

"So I'm thinking... Microcenter?" Sam said, reading Cole's mind. They agreed, and Madisen took them She followed every traffic law by the book. "I'm glad you think it's cool too!" He chuckled, glancing at Cole.

"So, what is this place?" Madisen asked as she pulled into the parking lot.

"Only the coolest place in the world!" Zeke said, catching head turns from everyone sitting in the front of the car. "Well according to Cole." He shrugged.   

"When did you learn how to read minds?" Madisen glanced at Zeke.

"Don't worry!" Zeke chuckled. "Only with Cole!" 

"No, it isn't cold in Hell!" Cole added with a nod at Madisen, who Cole knew didn't believe him. 

Sam erupted into laughter, who he knew that was her exact thought... "Well, I'm not the only mind reader. in the house anymore!" With that, the group sauntered into the computer store. Cole had the appearance of an actual child in a  candy store. 

"Think bigger!" Zeke chuckled at Cole, as he pushed the cart past the Computer cases. "And why just build a computer?"

Cole tapped his pocket. "How much is on this thing?" He leaned into Zeke. 

"Enough!" He said. Cole thought about clarifying but figured since Zeke had read his mind about the store, he was probably right. He picked all the best parts for his new computer, the total was $7,500, for the desktop and another $4,000 for the laptop.  

"So why did we get two of everything?" Cole smirked at Zeke, the sales associate was starting to worry about Cole and Zeke's ability to pay. She Glanced around looking for an adult, to whom these two teenagers, might belong, hoping they had money. Sam, and Madisen met them at the registers, not easing her mind much. 

"Get everything Boys?" Madisen asked iritatgly putting an accent on Boys.

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