Chapter 1- introducing the ex bestfriend

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As I walk down the halls of school I see the kids Ponting and laughing at me, tears streaming down my cheeks. I run as fast as I can but get stuck, I began calling for help hoping for someone to save me. *beep beep beep* My eyes widen, and my heart pounds as I realise it was just a nightmare. What made it worst was that nightmare was kinda true, I don't mean in the running crying way, or though I do feel that way, but the way as in no one is there to save me. I sit up in my bed and stretch my arms while letting out a big yawn. My life isn't perfect, it's not even average either, I would have to call it ruined seeing as that's what I'm feeling most of my life. But my life wasn't always this way, in fact it started about 2 months ago. Me and my used to be best friend jade were the best of friends, we did everything together and the worst regret was telling her every single secret of mine. Anyway so she started talking to the popular girls one day, I arrived at school and walked to my locker seeing her there, she saw me perfectly well I know that for a fact, but she acted all like she never saw me. Later that day she didn't wait for me at recess she just walked off with her new friends. So when I got home that day I did the only thing I thought would be the right thing, I directly called her and explained exactly how I felt and asked if I had done anything wrong, she only replied by saying "sorry but I think we shouldn't be friends anymore, it's boring hanging out with just you everyday. I couldn't believe what I heard, I never knew a girl like her would ever say that considering how nice she used to be. I was furious but upset at the same time , I grabbed everything that reminded me of her and shoved it in the bin, that night I had cried myself to sleep.

Ever since that I have ignored Her, it doesn't do a thing because it's not like she said or will ever apologise. But the affects it has on me is loosing all my other friends, being talked about and crying myself to sleep. I never tell my parents because I don't have the courage although I badly want to moves schools.

I grabbed out my school uniform and chucked it on, I then brushed out my long, wavy brown hair. As I go downstairs to eat some breakfast I always act like I'm filled with joy, thanks to my drama classes with all the practise of emotions. But it's hard when you parents smile at you and they having no idea of that I really want to be crying.
I then open my front door and began walking myself to school, being alone is safer then being crowded with everyone talking behind your back and telling lies that aren't true.

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