Chapter 6- betrayed?

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It was back to Monday morning, of course the worst day of the week ugh.
Putting on my school uniform every morning felt like it was getting more tiring each and every time. But I couldn't wait to share my new look with the people at school. I grabbed out my phone and decided to give Amber a call.
*phone conversation*
"Hello?" I hear ambers voice say
"Hey amber, it's me aria"
"Oh hey girl, what's up?" She asks me
"Meet me at the gate before school" I tell her,
"Sure, see you then" she says
"See you then" I say then hang up the phone.

*50 minutes later*
I arrive at school, noticing Amber remembered to wait at the gate before school.
"So what is it?" She questions me
"I just wanted to meet up together so when we walk down the hallways people can notice out new styles together" I smile, realising I was acting a little immature.
"Your do right" she surprisingly responds.
"What's the time?" Amber quickly adds,
I check my phone, "it's 8:35" I say
"Perfect!" Amber says as she acts really excited. "It's perfect timing, we have about 5 minutes before the bell rings. She giggles. "Everyone would be inside so quick chop chop lets go" Amber says acting a little crazy, but funny at the sane time.
We both walk through the door that leads into the hallway as we walk side by side each other.

I feel a little nervous, as Amber seems so confident, she must of noticed how I felt because she took hold of my hand, and whispered into my ear, "go with my lead, walk straight forward and put lots of style in your walk. She surprised me, she knew so much like she was a model or something.

And people started to stare as we began to walk down the hall, and to be honest I loved it, boys were staring with their mouths open, while others looks shocked, girls looked jealous and others looked amazed. The feeling of my hair blowing upwards while I walked felt like I was famous or something. Like in those overs where the mean girls walk in a line while everyone just stared, it felt exactly like that.

We walked to our lockers grabbing out our books for the day when I noticed a blonde haired girl coming our way, taking a closer look I noticed it was jade. "Hey aria, hey Amber" she said all happy and sweet.
"Uh hey jade" "hey jade" me and Amber both replied.
Had jade given herself a makeover? She looked a little different.
"Do you mind if I hang out with you guys today" jade smiled again but this time staring at mainly me.
"Yeah that fine" I said a little unsure but sounded positive when the words came out my mouth. "Cool, thanks"" she then did her sane smile.

We started walking down the hall, jade on my right and Amber on my left.
Was jade and he somehow friends again? My mind couldn't keep up with what was going on.

As soon as we got into the classroom me and Amber chose the table nearest the back, noticing jade was behind us still following on. But it felt weird as someone else was joining both me and Amber for the first time.

As per normal class seemed to drag on forever, I kept staring at jade as she tried talking to Amber a lot more.

Finally after the bell rang we headed out the door. But just as I was about to walk out the door I heard my name "um aria can you come have a word with me for Minute" our teacher mr. Louse asked, "uh sure" I replied. "Can you guys wait for me out in the hall ?" I asked Amber and jade, "I will only be a minute. "Sure" they both replied at once. "Aria, are you having trouble with the homework, as I have t received yours?" He began, "oh, um. Sorry I've just been super busy so I will hand it in tomorrow morning" i finished, "oh ok, just checking" he gave a half smile.

I walked out of the door which led to the hallway, looking around for Amber and jade but only seeing other students around, I was so confused, I turned and finally found them, as I started approaching them they turned to look at me then started walking away quickly. What is going on?? I thought to myself. Was this some kind of prank?.

I decided to try following them, i saw them walk outside so I did the same, but as soon as I was outside they were gone. Feeling like a lost puppy I started walking around by myself, hoping to find amber and jade. A hand suddenly taps me on the back. "Oh hey aria" I see Luke smile. "Hey" i say in a quiet tone. "Are you alright?" He asks. "Uh.sort of not really" I say confused m, "what happened?" He questioned. "Just my friends, I think their avoiding me" I sadly say, suddenly his face lights up, "come hang out with me!" He brightly says.
I had to look behind me in case he wasn't even talking to me. "I'm sure" I gave him a smile. I didn't realise he meant hanging out with him and me alone, when I noticed we walked away for his mates. We stopped at the grass oval and say in the soft grass. "You know, I'm here for you if you need" he says, as I notice his voice changes quite a bit into more a shy tone.
"Thanks Luke it means heaps" I just say while I awkwardly make eye contact with him.

"I know this is super awkward and that we didn't meet too long ago but..." He started to say "but...I really like you" he finished, he was so cute when he was shy, but I couldn't believe the words he spoke. "I too" God I felt like such an idiot saying, but it didn't seem to matter to him as he grew really bright and happier hen ever. " go out with me?" He asked me, the words kept going in and out of my mind, I was in shock I couldn't believe it, it had to be a dream right? Right????, I felt speechless, "y-y..Es" I finally managed to say, after that there was a long period of silence, it was so awkward.

The music started to go, so we walked together hand in hand, I felt like the luckiest girl alive. "Bye" he smiled as we walked to our separate classes "bye" I replied.

As I finally met up with Amber and no jade I wasn't about to let them do what they did. "Amber!" I said loudly "aria I have to talk to you, it's really important!" She looked worried like she was terrified jade would come any second.
"Follow me" Amber says as we walked down the hall away from. Every other person.

I knew this wasn't going to be good, "aria" she started "your really going to hate me after this but...".

*authors notes*
Hope your enjoying!
Read the next chapter to find out what happens next ! Love u all x

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