20 weeks pregnant!!!!!

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*Aurianna voice over*
So in this chapter is where I'm 20 weeks pregnant and a lot of unexpected things happen keep reading to find out but now on to a pregnancy update *end of aurianna voice over*

1. Really tired

2. Mood swings

3. Crying non stop

4. Cravings ahh not bad just some of them are like string cheese with mustard that sounds so good right now ughhh

5. Dirty soda as in swig dirty soda peachy keen preferably omg

6. Pelvic girdle pain

7. The Baby is starting to kick omg

8. Feeling a little crampy but it's normal

9. So many doctors appointments

10. I have to pee every 5 minutes

*aurianna voice over*
So ya that's basically everything so now in the upcoming chapters something unexpectedly happened so in these next few chapters chaios is going to happen stay tunned and DON'T SKIP CHAPTERS so you can understand the story line see you in the next chapter *end of aurianna voice over*

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