learning to adjust to a new life

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*Aurianna voice over*
Hello everyone in this chapter is were i have my breaking point and danny comforts me and i tell him how hard it is I've been adjusting since i found out he's my biological father so now on to the story *end of aurianna voice over*

*aurianna carrying a laundry basket walking down the stairs*

Aurianna; I'm at my breaking point

Danny; oh no

Aurianna; if cece ask me for one more thing I'm going to lose it ughhh

Danny; come here my child i got you

Aurianna; ughhh fine

*walks to the couch*

Danny; talk to me

Aurianna; idk if i should trust you hmmm

Danny; oh come on please

Aurianna; fine

Danny; yaaaay!!!!!!!

Aurianna; this is hard i can't do this after finding out that your my biological dad is been hard for me to adjust to everything and Justin has thought me so much him being in the nicu is an example of him knowing that I'll get used to it and you being my biological dad i this justin being born early was a sign of mom you need to adjust to this new life of yours

Danny; and he was right!

Aurianna; yep my little miracle baby i can't wait to bring him home so you can meet him

Danny; I'm super excited

Aurianna; me too!

*Aurianna's phone buzzes*

Aurianna; someone texted me

*text messages*
Nurse; hey girl! Great news justin is off oxygen and breathing on his own and is eating through a bottle! We will get him home soon! ~ nurse gracie💕

Aurianna; OMG my baby boy did it thank you so much!

Nurse; your welcome!

*end of text message*

Danny; who was it

Aurianna; the nicu he is finally breathing on his own and eating from a bottle!

Danny; yaaaay!!!!!!! Does that mean he gets to come home soon

Aurianna; yes

Danny; yaaay!

Aurianna I'm so happy that I could cry *starts crying*

Danny; awwwww baby *hugs aurianna* it means his coming home soon!

Aurianna; mhm

Danny; are you happy?

Aurianna; yes!

Danny; I love you!

Aurianna; I love you too dad

*danny gives aurianna a kiss on her forehead while hugging her*

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