Where it all started

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It was a beautiful day on Dawn Island. You can hear that Luffy was already awake. Normal for him sense he is a early riser. For you, his voice was your alarm clock. But you put the covers over your head and tried to go back to sleep. You can hear your front door slammed open as you heard the footsteps coming closer to your room. You knew that you aren't gonna sleep in.

"Y/N Y/N WAKE UP WAKE UP." You pretend to still be sleeping as the loud boy kept shaking you aggressively. You can hear more footsteps coming to your room.

"Oi, loser get up already." Ace kicked you on your sides. But still the boys couldn't "wake" you up.

"Come on Y/n-San get up." Luffy pulled the blanket off you, making you curl into a ball.

"Ok, ok I'm up." You rolled off of your futon and started to roll it back up and put it in the closet. You also folded your blankets and put them in the other side of the closet. You grabbed your shoes and went outside with the boys. You can see that they already ate breakfast. You were surprised to see that they haven't laid a finger on your food. You wonder every day why and how the boys could just come into your house.

You lived by yourself because both your parents were in the Navy. They only came home once a year, so you really just lived by yourself. You sat on the table and started to eat your bowl of rice porridge. It was the only thing that Luffy new how to make without burning the food to a crisp. He cared about you way too much. But you didn't mind. You ate the food while staring at the little kids play outside.

You finished your meal and washed your dish. After you put on apron on and started to do the chores. You tried to maintain the house, just in case your parents came home early.

"There I finished cleaning the house. Now I can go outside."

You switched your shoes out and headed into the village. You always carried a bag with you because when you would go on adventures with Luffy and Ace, you would always find cool stuff that no one has ever seen before. You saw that there was a big crowed in front of the Partys Bar. You have never seen Foosha village so excited in the morning. You went closer to the crowed and saw that Garp was home.

"If Garp is home then that means that my parents are home." You thought as you passed through the crowed of people. But you saw none of them. Just Garp. The smile on your face turned into a frown. You didn't understand why your parents weren't home. They always came at the same time as Garp does.

You figured that they may be inside the bar. So you went inside the bar and there he was. Luffy laughing with Shanks and having a good time. But you still didn't see your parents anywhere. You were about to leave when Luffy noticed you.

"Oh hey Y/n you're finally up." Everyone looked at you and immediately stared to whisper to each other. You heard someone say

"Who's going to tell her"

You didn't like how everyone was staring at you. You were about to say something when.

"Y/n-San since you're awake and ready let's go for a adventure. I've been waiting all day." Luffy grabbed your arm and dragged you out of the bar. You can hear someone in the bar say

"Damn it Shanks you should've told her"

You were stopped by Garp standing in your way. You saw that Luffy had a confused look on his face.

"Grandpa why are you here already? Shouldn't you be in the Navy?"

"Yeah and if you're here then where are my parents?" You said as you hid behind Luffy. You never knew why but you always had a fear of Garp. When you asked the question Garp's face went tense and he rubbed the back of his head.

"Well Y/n, I'm sorry to tell you but they were killed in battle. I'm so sorry that you had to know about this."

Your face turned expressionless as you heard the news. You let go of Luffy's hand and fell to your knees.

"N-no it can't be." As the news started taking it's toll on you, you can hear Luffy talking to his Grandpa. 

"What do you mean they died? Didn't you say that they were the strongest on the whole force?!"
Luffy started to yell at his his anger at his Grandpa. While Luffy and Garp started to argue you got up and ran into the woods. You can hear Luffy and Garp calling you, but you didn't care.

"I tried so hard and go so far, but in the end, it doesn't even matter. I  had to fall to lose it all. But I'm the end it doesn't even matter."  You thought to yourself as you wipe the tears off your face. You didn't stop running for a moment. You just wanted to keep running from everything. Soon you came to a stop when you found the edge of the island. You sat on the ground with your legs hanging off the edge.

Luffy's POV:
After Y/n went missing Shanks gathered the entire village and had a search party for her. But are thy even trying? They're looking at the wrong places. They don't know Y/n like I do. I headed towards our spot without letting anyone notice that I'm gone. And just like I expected, she was there. I sat beside her as we looked at the ocean.

" Y/n don't you ever wonder what it's like to be a pirate?" I can see Y/n looking at me with a surprise expression.

"Yes but you know that we can't be pirates. Your grandpa wants us to be Marine's."

"Who cares what that old man wants, We can be what ever we want. He can't stop us."
I look at Y/n and had the greatest idea.


"What no you're crazy."

"So what do you say....... Do you want to explore the world by my side?"

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