Mama Tanah's Potential Husband Discussion Group

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[bbymccd logged on]

bbymccd: Hey guys, there's something I wanted to talk about.

[bbbyluvies logged on]

bbbyluvies: What is it Yaya?

[uwupan logged on]

uwupan: Yeah.

bbymccd: It's about mama's relationship with Fang.

uwupan: The transferee?

bbbyluvies: Oh, don't get jealous Gopal.

bbymccd: Oh my, how rude of me Gopal.

bbbyluvies: Yaya didn't mean any harm Gopal. You know that right?

uwupan: Oh my god, I don't like him that way!

uwupan: I don't have a crush on the transferee!

bbymccd: I'm really sorry Gopal.

uwupan: Nobody is listening to me!

bbbyluvies: Haha.

bbbyluvies: Anyways, why do you want to talk about that Yaya? You're not trying to hurt Gopal's feelings are you?

uwupan: Ying.

bbymccd: No! I'm not! It's just that I think Fang likes mama.

bbymccd: The same way Gopal does.

uwupan: I'm just going to say this one last time, I DON'T LIKE THE TRANSFEREE THAT WAY!

bbbyluvies: Uh huh.

bbbyluvies: Why?

bbymccd: Well have you seen the way he looks at him?

bbbyluvies: Now that you mention it, I noticed that whenever I glance at his direction, he seems to be looking outside the window. I thought that maybe he wasn't interested with interacting but I also noticed that he looks out the window during class.

bbbyluvies: I thought that he was staring at someone from the other class but I realized that he's only staring/glancing at mama. Mama only. How weird, creepy and sweet is that?

bbymccd: Aw.

uwupan: Dey, you noticed that now? I noticed it a long time ago!

bbymccd: Oh Gopal. Don't be too hard on yourself.

bbbyluvies: Oh my god. This is just too funny.

uwupan: Dey.

bbymccd: Gopal, if you don't want to talk about this, we could stop.

bbymccd: I'm sorry if I brought this up.

uwupan: Dey!

uwupan: Don't you dare stop gossiping!

uwupan: And I don't like the transferee. Period.

bbbyluvies: Okay. 😂

bbymccd: If you say so.

uwupan: Anyways, I already told mama about it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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