Ego Vs Mogo

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(Marvel Comics Vs DC Comics)

- Both are sentient Planets



The living planet named Ego has been called a "bioverse". Every part of its substance, including the atmosphere, is alive as much as it is controlled by the consciousness of Ego. It often transforms its surface to appear as a giant face to address powerful beings and can shape its terrain to suit the circumstances. Ego can use its substance to display plant-like growth, manipulate its weather, and generate earthquakes, volcanoes, geysers, and canyons. Ego can transform its surface into a dead world or a beautiful paradise to lure unwitting space travelers to its surface. It has various internal features similar to a biological lifeform, like large tunnels that have been compared to arteries and its consciousness is inside a giant, brain-like organ deep below its surface. To defend itself, it extrudes tentacles that reach out into space and produce vast numbers of Antibodies, which are powerful, non-sentient humanoids that it mentally commands. Ego can also create a protective shield of solid clouds to defend from space attacks, raise its internal temperature to burn life forms inside, has digestive organs to absorb living beings, and an immune system that lets him release the previously mentioned Antibodies to attack intruders on or below its surface. It can also control its own radiation and magnetic fields to hide from scanning or trap ships in its orbit.

Ego can generate vast psionic energies that rival a hungered Galactus at their peak. It can project energy blasts to obliterate starships or planets, read minds and scan their biological structure, and communicate to sentient beings using telepathy. If its energy reserves are depleted, Ego can restore them by devouring planets, tapping into stars, or digesting large numbers of living beings. Its psionic abilities are also how it controls its biosphere.

Additionally, Ego is exceptionally intelligent, although as its name suggests, it harbors an extreme superiority complex and can be emotional if thwarted. For a while, Ego was propelled through space via the engine Galactus implanted on its south pole, but eventually gained control of it through its vast mental powers, allowing it to travel through hyperspace at enormous speeds. However, the device was later removed,[33] and mastered how to travel at warp speeds without it.



Alien Physiology

Chlorokinesis: Mogo can control any plant in his own atmosphere.

Interstellar Travel

Weather Manipulation: Mogo can change his own climate.

Gravity Manipulation: Mogo can increase the pull of gravity on himself.

Geokinesis: Mogo can move his own soil at will.

Telepathy: Mogo is responsible for guiding the Green Lantern rings to new sentient beings after their hosts die.

Mogo has a rebreathable atmosphere.

Indomitable Will

Who I'm rooting for: not sure

Who I think will win: I'm not too sure exactly who wins but since ego has fought Galactus I'm just going to say him

I mean who wouldn't want this as a death battle, it's literally two planets fighting each other. Although they're probably wouldn't be that much variety in terms of fighting.

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