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] foreword - please read [

this work of fiction takes place in the wizarding world of the harry potter franchise. i do not own any of it, j.k.rowling does. (0—0) the only things i own are artemis, her backstory and anything not previously not mentioned in the books, movies and/or by rowling.

in this story, however, some events of the franchise will be altered to suit my ideas for said story. (also, my french skill is, if i had to rate it, a negative-four out of ten, so any french words you see will have been translated through google, which we all know can turn out... interestingly.)

i, unfortunately, cannot dedicate 100% of my time to this, so updates will likely be slow and unscheduled/irregular. further, i thank you for considering someday, somehow possibly decent reading material, i hope it lives up to your expectations and standards. 

lowercase intended.

] blurb [

already deep into the summer holidays between his third and fourth years at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, the last thing draco malfoy was expecting was for a supposed family friend—indifferent artemis einar—to be welcomed in for the rest of said summer. but of course, the unexpected is exactly what the universe has given draco. artemis was nice enough, he decided, and her presence made the malfoy manor less lonely.

so, a friendship began between them—one that draco was glad continued as they navigated the late years of their teenage years together. only, draco would wish that his heart would stop interpreting their close friendship as something more.

] main characters [

artemis einar

"you know you really love someone, when

you don't hate them for breaking

your heart."

draco malfoy

"sometimes you think you feel like you want to

disappear, but all you really want is 

to be found."

blaise zabini

"we are all shaped by some incredible

sadness. by a part of our past that

still hurts."

theodore nott

"isn't it funny how, day

by day nothing changes. but when you look back everything

is different."

pansy parkinson

"diplomacy is the art of telling people to go

to hell in such a way that they

ask for directions."

hadie knight

"i don't blame you for not loving me. i

someday, somehow → d.malfoy [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now