Chapter 3: Escaping

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I ran around as Tyler started yelling and waving his arms. I was far too fast for him to catch, and he knew that.

Time to try something dangerous.

I ran between Tyler's feet and escaped into the hallway. He tried to catch me, but he couldn't. But then I found my first problem.

The backup that Tyler had called for was here.

I ran in the opposite direction from those guys. I didn't think they were friendly. And I also didn't like the look of the things in their hands.

"Use the tranquillizer gun on it when you find him." I heard the familiar voice of number two yell.

I felt offended as a female. Couldn't they see it? No male could ever be as beautiful as me.

I ran around, trying to figure out where I came from, but I stumbled upon my second problem. I was lost.

I looked around while I ran, trying to see if anything looked familiar but everything in this building seemed the same.

I heard the footsteps behind me get louder.

Oh no! I couldn't get caught.

I needed to run faster, but I was starting to feel tired. I have a lot of energy, but everyone gets tired eventually.

Emily calls me a fluffy ball of energy.

I suddenly spotted the janitor's closet I hid in when I came in.

I felt happy for a second but then I quickly realized my third problem.

The door was locked, and I had no way to open it. I couldn't stay here and wait like I did when I came in.

But then I had a stroke of luck.

Some unsuspecting guy just came in. I guess he didn't know about all the drama I had caused.

I took my chance and rocketed between his feet and to freedom.

I heard someone behind yell "What the hell!? Jacob! Look what you did. You let that dog escape. It could bring someone here and cause unnecessary complications. All because of YOU!"

My unaware rescuer's name must be Jacob. I felt bad that I had gotten him in trouble but then I realized that he must know about the dogs and was helping these cruel people.

He deserved everything. I don't feel a bit of pity for him now.

I saw that the bigger gates were about to close. Maybe from when my unknowing saviour came in.

I grabbed that opportunity and ran through the gates, just as they closed.

I sighed in relief, but I wasn't out of the woods just yet.

I ran into a nearby alley and waited there for a while until the sound and smell of humans were gone.

I slowly crept out, on alert in case some human came.

I now knew that not all humans are good. Some are bad and trap poor dogs.

All of a sudden, I remember that I needed to go find Emily and help those poor dogs.

But then, I found my fourth problem of the day. I didn't know the way back to Emily's house.

Man, I have gotten so many problems today.

I wandered around for a bit but then my stomach growled. I saw that the sun was going down.

I hadn't eaten for some time. I was feeling hungry.

I saw a neat house, with a tidy garden looking prim and proper.

I decided that this house would supply me with my dinner for the day.

Why? because I could smell some food in there. And also, I saw a man come outside throw something in the trash can and go back inside.

I sniffed around and smelled some fish in there. I climbed up on a nearby rock and tried to jump into the trash can without making too much noise and attracting too much attention.

Unfortunately, I failed on both accounts. I missed the trash can and slammed into the side of it, which fell down with a bang.

The noise attracted the attention of the owner of the house, and he came out running. I hid inside the trash can, afraid he might be mad but when he picked me out, he looked super nice.

"Hey buddy, what are you doing in there? What's a pretty dog like you doing on the streets? Someone must have lost you." He said.

I yipped at him. My name was not buddy. It was Bella.

He looked at my collar. "Bella. What a sweet name for a sweet doggy." He continued reading from my collar. "Call this number if found."

He scratched behind my ears. "Let's go in and get some food. We'll call your owner and then you can go home."

I wagged my tail happily. I really wanted to go home to Emily. I've had enough adventure for a lifetime, and I didn't want any more.

Unfortunately, the adventure wasn't over yet. We had to go and rescue the doggies trapped in that building. Then the adventure could be over, and I could go home, feeling proud of myself and everything would be back to normal.

But for now, the man took me inside his Yay! I'll finally get some real food. And then he'll take me back to Emily.

I guess today wasn't filled all with problems.

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