Chapter 6: Bella to the Rescue

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The rest of the day past normally, but I was feeling anxious.

At the time, I had agreed, feeling that nothing could go wrong. But now, my mind had a lot of free time to think of everything and anything that could go wrong.

What if I couldn't fit through the hole anymore?

What if the hole had been discovered and filled up?

What if the camera broke before I could record anything?

What if Emily and Jake were discovered and they couldn't go to the police, and I was stuck in there forever?

What if the police can't do anything?

What if Jake forgets to turn the camera on and I get captured for no reason?

What if Jake decides that he doesn't want to help rescue the dogs anymore.

What if Jake can't get a camera.

What if ....

'Stop it Bella' I scolded myself 'Everything is going to be fine, and we'll save those dogs. There's no reason to panic.'

After almost the whole day of waiting, Emily and I got out and went back to the building.

Thankfully, Jake was waiting for us behind the car we hid in earlier.

"I got the camera." He told us.

He tied the camera to my collar and told us "Everything that's recorded gets saved to my phone so even if they break the camera the footage will still be with us. Also, the camera has a built-in speaker so we can tell Bella what to do."

"Are you ready Bella?" Emily asked me.

I wagged my tail to say yes.

"You go in, find the captured dogs, record them and then come back out. If you get captured, do not panic because we will come to rescue you, even if it takes some time." Emily assured me.

I was feeling as ready as I could ever be.

I wriggled through the hole with little difficulty and made it in.

I once again hid behind a box near the door and waited.

It wasn't long before someone came out.

I waited to listen to them talking. The door will stay open for a few seconds. They might say something important that I can record.

I inched closer to listen to them.

I was lucky as they were saying exactly what I wanted them to.

"We've been experimenting on these stupid dogs for months now and we've gotten nothing yet." The brown-haired person said.

The blond man with her said "I know right. The boss must be crazy or something. There's no way to give the super senses of a dog to humans. Plus, if the police find out what we're doing, we're toast."

That was all I needed to record. I sprinted between them and ran towards the dog room.

"Catch that dog! It's the same one that came in a few days ago!"

To my shock, it was Tyler, the guy who chased me on my first trip here.

"Why is it back?"

"I don't know, and I don't care. Catch it!"

I heard someone running behind me as I sped up.

I stopped right next to the door to the dog room.

My insane luck worked once again as someone came out of the door.

I recognized him as Jacob, the man who unknowingly helped me escape during my first visit here.

Taking my chance, I ran inside.

"Good job Bella. Now record everything you see. The security is right behind you, so you'll get caught but know that we're coming for you and that I love you. Don't worry. We'll get you out of there. I promise." Emily's voice came through the camera around my neck.

I quickly did what Emily asked me to do and recorded the dogs, the cages, the wires and even the locks on the cages, just in time as the door burst open.

The brown-haired person picked me up. "Another dog to experiment on, I guess. Isn't it strange how this one came to us, especially since it's been here before?"

"It is strange," Tyler said. "Wait. What if it has a camera and it's trying to get us caught."

He checked my collar and triumphantly said "I knew it. There was no way it came back."

"Quick, destroy it, so that no one can show it to the police."

"Great idea Lanna."

And with that, he stepped on it and destroyed it.

Too bad they didn't know what it could do.

I heeded Emily's words and stayed calm.

This didn't go unnoticed by the one called Lanna.

"This one isn't fighting me. I guess it knows that it's stuck here forever and there's nothing it can do." She said.

There's nothing I can do, but Jake and Emily can.

They put me in a cell next to a depressed beagle and hooked up some wires to my body.


A few hours later

I heard some commotion outside.

"Oh no! The police are here. We have to hide the dogs, quick!" Shane, a bald man screamed.

They quickly put some blankets over all the dog cages.

I heard the door open.

I could smell Jake and Emily's scent on these new people and felt relieved. They were here to rescue me.

"What's under those blankets?" A voice asked.

"Nothing. Just some new science equipment that we haven't unpacked yet." Amelia, a red-haired woman said.

I had gotten to know the names of most of the people here during the few hours I was here.

"Show me." The voice said.

"It's just a bunch of dusty boxes. Nothing important." Andi said.

"I said show me!"

"Of course." Said Mariel, nervously.

The blankets over us were removed to reveal five men in blue uniforms that said something like POLICE.

"I knew it!" The leader of the group said.

"Open the cages." One of the men ordered.

Our cages were opened, the wires were removed, and the workers were dragged away in handcuffs.

The leader came up to me.

"So, you must be Bella. You are a very brave dog. You deserve a reward." He told me.

He took me outside where Emily and Jake were waiting.

When Emily saw me, she ran over.

"Bella, you're alright. I was so worried. No more spy missions for you. We'll stay at home and not take part in any more dangerous missions. Do you understand?"

I wagged my tail in agreement.

I didn't want any more adventures.

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