Chapter 4: Returning Home

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The second we entered, an older woman came out of another room.

"What happened Jake? I heard a crash. Is everything alright?" She asked.

I guess, my host's name was Jake. He looked about as old as Emily.

"Oh, it was nothing. This little girl ran away from home and was looking for food in the trash cans. I decided to take her in and return her to her owner tomorrow after giving her some food and a bath." Jake said.

The woman noticed me for the first time.

"Oh my, she's beautiful. She's a little dirty, but it's nothing a bath can't fix. What's her name?" She asked Jake.


"Aww, what a pretty name for such a pretty doggie." She cooed at me.

I wagged my tail, happy that someone was noticing my beauty.

Jake took me upstairs and gave me a bath with sweet-smelling stuff. It was fun. But it wasn't like the baths Emily would give me. We would splash around and get all wet.

Jake only took the shower and showered me. But I enjoyed it. It was like bathing in the rain.

After he dried me with a very fluffy towel, we went downstairs again.

"We don't have dog food, but here's some fish from last night," Jake said to me.

"What are you doing Jake?" The woman came in.

"Feeding her." He said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, which it was.

"Why are you feeding her fish? Feed her some vegetables instead. They're healthy."

"Mom, fish is good for dogs. Besides, dogs don't eat vegetables." Jake told her.

"Don't mind her. She's my mom, Tammi. She can be a little too much sometimes." Jake whispered to me.

"I searched on the net. Dogs are omnivores. They eat both meat and vegetables. What breed is she anyway?" Tammi said.

"She looks like a poodle, but not a pure one. She must be mixed with some other breed." Jake said.

I was offended. I wasn't a poodle. I was a beautiful Pomapoo. But then, most humans don't know that. I guess I could forgive him.

I greedily took the fish from his hands and started eating. This was my first proper meal of the day. I needed food. I'm a very active dog.

Jake went into a room, and I decided to follow him in. If I was staying the night, I needed to know the layout of the house.

Jake picked me up and said "No Bella, that's my office. Don't go in there. Dogs aren't allowed in there. Come on, you must be tired. Let's find you a place to sleep."

In the end, I ended up sleeping in a basket in which Tammi had put some blankets for me.

I fell asleep pretty quick. I had a long day, and I will have an even longer one tomorrow. I need my rest.

The little sleep I had gotten while trying to sneak into the building wasn't enough to keep a dog like me energetic. Especially since Emily says I'm hyperactive.

Come to think of it, Emily says a lot of things about me. I guess that's because she loves me so much.

Now, I should sleep.


The Next Day

I woke up, ready to start the day when I saw I noticed an unfamiliar place. Did someone take me away from Emily so I couldn't protect her if something happened? I started to panic.

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