HTTYD 2: How Valka met Tempest

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(This takes place when Hiccup and Toothless met Hiccup's long lost mother, Valka, and discovered the Dragon's Sanctuary and the two met Tempest)

Hiccup goes through an opening in a maze of rock caves, leading to the Dragon's Sanctuary. Hordes of dragons of various species fly around Hiccup as he stares in awe. Hiccup looks up and sees Valka and Cloudjumper hanging on the cave roof. "This is where you've been for twenty years?" He asked his mother, who responded with a nod. "You've been rescuing them." He said as Valka nodded again with a smile spread across her face. Hiccup was in awe of the place as he say, "Unbelievable."

"You're not upset?" Valka asks, which Hiccup responded, "What? No. I don't know. It's a bit much to get my head around, to be frank. It's not every day you find out your mother is some kind of crazy, feral, vigilante dragon lady." Valka chuckled as Cloudjumper helps her down to Hiccup's level as she says, "At least I'm not boring... right?" Hiccup hardly has the words to say as one dragon nudges on his shoulder before saying, "I suppose there is that... one... specific... thing..." Valka then asks, "Do you like it?"

"I don't have the words." Hiccup said briefly. Toothless is seen surrounded by curious dragons who playfully approach and sniff at him. One of them lifts his rear with its snout; frustrated, he scares them off, which Valka laughed. She looks at Hiccup and asks, "Can I?" He nods as she approached Toothless before saying, "He's beautiful!" She did some handwork, which Toothless tuns playful as he nuzzled her, causing her to giggle before saying, "Incredible! It looks like he's no longer the last of his kind." Hiccup was confused at that last part before Valka says, "And look, he's your age!"

"No wonder you get along so well." Hiccup approached her and asks, "Wait, what do you mean by "he's no longer the last of his kind"? Are there more Night Furies?" Valka stood up and motions him to follow her. She got onto Cloudjumper as they flew off. Hiccup got onto Toothless and follows them, leading them to a crystal cave. They went inside and to Hiccup and Toothless' surprise, there is another Night Fury in there, appearing to be sleeping. The Night Fury felt their presence and unwraps themself and spotted them, revealing itself to be a female with violet eyes.

Her pupils shrunk as she saw Hiccup and Toothless before getting into a stance and growled at the two. Valka held her hand to her as the Night Fury stopped growling before placing her snout on her hand. "That's right. Good girl." Valka said to the Night Fury while Hiccup was astounded by the presence of another Night Fury. Toothless, on the other hand, was curious of the female as he slowly approached her. Valka saw and gets out of the way, letting Toothless examine the Night Fury. Toothless and the Night Fury examined each other before Toothless took a sniff at the Night Fury, which he suddenly began to get excited and pounced at the Night Fury playfully, which the female Night Fury did the same thing to him.

Valka watched as she lets out a chuckle while Hiccup watched the two. "I've never seen Toothless like this with that female..." He spoke before Valka says, "That's right. Tempest hasn't felt this happy ever since me and Cloudjumper rescued her." Hiccup looks at his mother and asks, "Tempest? That's her name?" Valka nodded before Hiccup asks, " did you find her?" Valka frowns a little before she says, "Tempest was captured by dragon hunters, but those hunters...they were not like Drago Bludvist's." There was a flashback when Valka, in her suit, was freeing the dragons from the dragon hunters.

"These types of dragon hunters were a part of a black market that captures dragons and sell their parts." Valka explained through the flashback. She and the other dragons she rescued were fighting off the dragon hunters when she spotted Cloudjumper breaking into one of the tents and rushed to it. Cloudjumper looked around for any hunters, but spots a particular dragon in a cage, which his pupils grow wide and takes a closer look through before Valka explained, "One night, Cloudjumper broke into one of the tents, finding Tempest in the cage. I rushed to see if he's alright, but..." Flashback Valka got inside the tent Cloudjumper was in, her staff ready to whack, but she stopped when she sees Cloudjumper calming down a frightened Tempest. Valka slowly approached the cage as Tempest saw her and began to roar at her, but Cloudjumper reassures Tempest that she's going to be alright. Valka carefully unlocks the cage and allows Tempest outside, which the Night Fury slowly crawls out. She looks at Valka as her eyes softened to her.

"She wasn't a vicious beast, but a frightened, gentle creature, whose soul reflected my own." Valka explained through the flashback. With none of them noticing, a tranq dart hits Cloudjumper, causing him to fall down for a short period of time as one of the dragon hunters attempt to attack Valka. She fought off the dragon hunter, but he got the upper hand and knocks her down. With a spear in his hand, he attempts to stab her, but Tempest roars and tackles him to the ground. The dragon hunter tries to stab Tempest, but Tempest snapped his spear in half and roars at him, about to bite into him. Valka saw this and yells, "STOP!" Tempest suddenly stops at her call as she looks at Valka.

With the dragon distracted, the dragon hunter reached for the top of the spear, grabs it, and tries to stab Tempest in the head, but he sliced under her eye, causing Tempest to roar from the pain. She got off him and rubs her eye where she got hurt as the dragon hunter tries to attack, but Cloudjumper managed to get in front of him and roars ferociously at him before shooting out fire. The dragon hunter retreated from them before Valka got up and gets on Cloudjumper. She looks at Tempest, motioning her to follow, which Tempest did as they escaped from the black market. At the end of the flashback, Tempest was seen with a scar under her right eye as Valka says, "She was nearly stabbed to death, all because I told her to stop." Tempest went over and nuzzles Valka's hand, trying to say that she's already forgiven her.

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